Known subjects and number of episodes of the celebrated true-crime/ Hollywood history podcast:

Biff Crossley: Six-episode season, in which Crossley is referred to as the "Star-Killer" to keep from spoiling the identity of the murderer: "He Shot From the Screen, or, Murder at Grauman's" covering the death of star John Loveridge during the premiere of his own movie at Grauman's Chinese Theatre; "Jewel Smugglers to the Stars" about the crime ring that perpetuated the murders; "The Very Loud Death of Ben Jackey" about the second murder; "Biff Crossley Must Die!" covering the supposed threat to Crossley's life; "Star-Killer, Meet the Shield" covering the Shield's action-packed investigation of the murders; and "Ben Crossley Must Die II: the Return of Joyce la Rue!", a special episode that reveals Crossley as the killer, details the final confrontation and his defiant suicide and features a surprise interview with his accomplish/patsy, the reclusive, disgraced former actress Joyce la Rue!

the Conqueror: Three episodes: "Bolton Gates, Millionaire Madman", about the man himself and his adoption of the Conqueror identity; "Dean Denton, Man of a Thousand Voices" about the career of ventriloquist Denton and his subsequent retirement from show business and foray into scientific detection; and "Colossal Studios Has a Cult Problem" about the Conqueror's repeated attempts to establish his rule over Hollywood.

⭐ Clayface: An entire season! Episode One: "The Rise of Basil Karlo". Episode Two: "Karlo's Fall From Grace". Episode Three: "Dread Castle, or, the Crimes of Clayface". Episode Four: "The Return of Clayface"

The Dummy: Part of a series compilation episode about non-Hollywood-based villains who committed prominent crimes in Hollywood, the "Kidnappings" episode.

The Firehawk: One episode: "Flames of the Firehawk". No guest.

The Hunchback of Hollywood: A two-part whodunnit (Episode One: "Barloff or Brogan, Who is the Hunchback of Hollywood?" Episode Two: "Unhunched!") - listeners call in their theories to be played on the second episode (no cheating!).

The Masked Man: Part of the ill-fated latter season dedicated to the "also-rans" who washed out before they "made it" as Hollywood villains ("The Script that Killed").

The Phantom Duelist: One episode: "The Phantom Duelist, or, Reynolds Gets His". No guest.

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Can't keep 'em down for long, these guys. Look, breeding up a giant amoeba in order to use it to spread terror and conquer the world...