Alphabetical Index - G



Gaffy, Beldame (All-Star Comics 001, 1940)

Galgo (Mystery Men Comics 020, 1941)

Garr Storm (Fight Comics 008, 1940)

Gat Arat (Mystery Men Comics 023, 1941)

Generic Mummy (Detective Comics v1 053,1941)

Genghis Khan the Second (Minute-Man 002, 1941)

the Genius (Science Comics 001, 1940)

the Ghost (Action Comics v1 002, 1938)

the Ghost (Amazing-Man Comics 013, 1940)

the Ghost (Action Comics v1 039, 1941) 

the Ghost (Mystery Men Comics 027, 1941)

the Ghost Crook (Blue Bolt v2 003, 1941)

the Ghost-Gun Killer (Crack Comics 016, 1941)

the Ghost Killers (Master Comics 012, 1941)

the Ghost of Captain Kidd (Blue Bolt v1 008, 1940)

the Ghost of Jesse James (Blue Bolt v1 005, 1940)

the Ghost of King Tut (Blue Bolt v1 009, 1940)

the Ghost of Napoleon Bonaparte (Blue Bolt v1 007, 1940)

the Ghost of Rock Rook (Blue Bolt v2 001, 1941)

the Ghost of the Cyclops (Blue Bolt v2 004, 1941) 

the Ghost of Trigger Daniels (More Fun Comics 063, 1941) 

the Ghost of Winter Ranch (The Funnies 030, 1939)

the Ghost Riders (Star Ranger 001, 1937)

Ghouls (Marvel Mystery Comics v1 010, 1940)

Glass, Chester (Detective Comics v1 015, 1938)

Glib, Mr (All American Comics 011 & 013, 1940)

the Glove (Tip-Top Comics 054, 1940)

Gnorr (Marvel Mystery Comics v1 013, 1940) 

the Gold Leech I & II (Red Raven Comics 001, 1940)

the Golden Mummy (Flash Comics v1 017, 1941)

the Goldfish (Detective Comics 046, 1940) 

the Goldmaster (Big Shot Comics 002, 1940)

the Goon (Pep Comics 010, 1940)

Gore (Daring Mystery Comics 008, 1941) 

the Gorgon (The Comics 002, 1937)

the Gorilla (More Fun Comics 048, 1939)

the Gorilla (Blue Beetle Comics 009, 1941)

the Gorilla King (Action Comics v1 019, 1939)

the Gorilla Man (Slam-Bang Comics 005, 1940)

the Gorrah (Action Comics v1 002, 1938)

Gow, Fang (New Fun Comics 001, 1935)

the Great Arturo (Flash Comics v1 013, 1941)

the Great Brain (Science Comics 007, 1940) 

the Great Caesar (More Fun Comics 071, 1941)

the Green Claw (Silver Streak Comics 006, 1940)

the Great Green Turtle (Blue Bolt v1 004, 1940)

the Great I (Adventure Comics 052, 1940)

the Great Intelligence (Planet Comics 004, 1940)

the Great Medicine Bird (More Fun Comics 067, 1941)

the Great One (Amazing-Man Comics 013, 1940)

the Great One (Reg'lar Fellers Heroic Comics 001, 1940)

the Great Question (Amazing-Man Comics 005, 1941)

the Great Remembo (All-Star Comics 001, 1940)

the Great White Chief (Fantastic Comics 007, 1940)

the Green Devil (Slam-Bang Comics 003, 1940) 

the Green Flame (Marvel Mystery Comics v1 004, 1940) 

the Green Ghoul (Blue Ribbon Comics 016, 1941) 

the Green Gloves (Detective Comics v1 045, 1940)

the Green Hood (Minute-Man Comics 002,1941) 

the Green Lizard (Smash Comics 004, 1939)

the Green Men (More Fun Comics 068, 1941) 

the Green Sorceress (Blue Bolt v1 001, 1940)

the Green Terror (Mystic Comics v1 001, 1940)  

the Grey-Shirts (All-Star Comics 004, 1941) 

the Grim Circle (Green Mask v1 001, 1940)

Grimm, Doctor (Captain America Comics 004, 1941)

Grosso (Marvel Mystery Comics 024, 1941)

Grundo the Great (Champion Comics 010, 1940) 

Gustoff, Professor (Fight Comics 009, 1940)

the Guy Behind WWII (n/a)

the Guy Who Shot Batman's Parents (Detective Comics 033, 1939)

Gyp Clipp (Fantastic Comics 007, 1940)

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Can't keep 'em down for long, these guys. Look, breeding up a giant amoeba in order to use it to spread terror and conquer the world...