Ace of Space ○ Ace Powers ○ Ajax the Sun Man ○ Amazing-Man ○ the Angel ○ Aquaman ○ the Arrow ○ the Atom ○ Auro, Lord of Jupiter
Barry Lane ○ Barry O'Neill ○ Bart Regan ○ Batman ○ Bentley of Scotland Yard ○ Betty Ross ○ Biff Bronson ○ Big Red McLane ○ Bill Handy ○ Black Condor ○ Black Fury ○ the Blackhawks ○ Blackstone the Magician ○ Black X ○ Blue Beetle ○ the Blue Blaze ○ Blue Bolt ○ the Blue Diamond ○ the Boyville Brigadiers ○ Bozo the Iron Man ○ Bruce Blackburn, Counterspy ○ Bruce McKay, Sky Master ○ Bryn Hale ○ Buck Jones ○ Bucky ○ Buddy Smith ○ Bulldog Martin ○ Bulletgirl ○ Bulletman ○ Buzz Crandall
Captain America ○ Captain Cook of Scotland Yard ○ Captain Daring ○ Captain Desmo ○ Captain Flag ○ Captain John Stanley ○ Captain Kidd ○ Captain Marvel ○ Captain Nelson Cole ○ Captain Terry Thunder ○ the Champ ○ Charlie Chan ○ Cliff Cornwall ○ Cliff Crosby ○ Clip Carson ○ the Clock ○ Companions Three ○ the Comet ○ Congo Bill ○ Constable O'Malley ○ Corporal Collins, Infantryman ○ Cosmic Carson ○ the Crimson Avenger ○ Cyclone
Dan Dare ○ Dan Dennis, FBI ○ Dash Dixon ○ Dash Dolan & Nalya Randolph ○ Dave Dean ○ David ○ Dean Denton ○ Detective Sergeant Carey ○ Devil's Dagger ○ Diamond Jack ○ Diane Clark and Bob Trent ○ Dick Cole ○ Doc Savage ○ Doctor Doom ○ Dr Fate ○ Dr Fung ○ Dr Melvyn Hunt ○ Dr Mid-Nite ○ Doctor Miracle ○ Dr Occult ○ Doll Man ○ Domino the Miracle Boy ○ Don Glory ○ Don Kerry ○ Dusty Dane ○ Dynamic Man ○ Dynamo
the Eagle ○ Ed Tracer, G-Man X32 ○ El Carim ○ Electro
the Face ○ the Falcon ○ the Fantom of the Fair ○ Fantomah ○ the Fargo Kid ○ Father Time ○ Federal Men ○ the Fiery Mask ○ the Fin ○ the Flame ○ the Flash ○ Flexo the Rubber Man ○ Flip Falcon ○ Flint Baker ○ the Flying Flame ○ the Flying Fox ○ the Fox ○ Fu Chang ○ Fuller Spunk
G-5 ○ G-Man Jim ○ Gale Allen ○ Gene Autry ○ Gene Gerald ○ the Golden Knight ○ Green Arrow ○ Green Lantern ○ the Green Mask ○ Gunner Thompson
Hawkman ○ Headline Hunter ○ Hercules ○ Hercules ○ Hercules ○ Hourman ○ Hugh Hazzard ○ the Human Meteor ○ the Human Top ○ the Human Torch ○ Hurricane ○ Hydroman
Ibis the Invincible ○ Inspector Dayton ○ Inspector Kent of Scotland Yard ○ the Inter-Planetary Police ○ the Invisible Hood ○ the Iron Skull ○ Iron Vic
Jack Strand ○ Jan and Wanda ○ Jeff Cardiff, Spy-Chief ○ Jerry Morris ○ Jim Dolan ○ Jim Hatfield ○ Jimmie Murray ○ John Winston ○ Johnny Fox ○ Johnny Quick ○ Johnny Thunder ○ Jon Dale ○ Jon Linton ○ Jungle King ○ Jupiter ○ the Justice Society of America
K-7 ○ K-51 ○ Kaänga ○ Ka-Zar ○ the King ○ Kinks Mason
Lance Hale ○ Lance Larkin ○ Les Sparks ○ Lieutenant Dick Jones ○ Lt Brad Fletcher ○ Lt Drake of Naval Intelligence ○ Lightning ○ Lois Lane ○ the Lone Warrior ○ Loop Logan ○ Lyle Kenton ○ the Lynx
Madam Fatal ○ the Magician from Mars ○ Major Carl Tarrant ○ Major Mars ○ the Man With 1000 Faces ○ Marga the Panther Woman ○ Mark Swift & Rodney Kent ○ Marvelo, Monarch of Magicians ○ Marvex the Super-Robot ○ the Mask ○ the Masked Marvel ○ the Masked Pilot ○ the Masked Rider ○ Master Man ○ the Master Mystic ○ Mighty Man ○ Minimidget ○ Minute-Man ○ Miss X ○Mr America ○ Mister E ○ Mr Justice ○ Mister Midnite ○ Monako, Prince of Magic ○ Morak the Mighty ○ the Moth
Navy Jones ○ Neon the Unknown
the Owl
Pack Morgan ○ the Patriot ○ Paul Revere Jr. ○ Pen Miller ○ Penny Wright ○ Pep Morgan ○ Percival Popp, the Super Cop ○ Perisphere Payne ○ the Phantom Ranger ○ the Phantom Sub ○ the Planet Patrol ○ Power-Man ○ Power Nelson ○ the Press Guardian
the Radio Squad ○ Rang-a-Tang the Wonder Dog ○ the Red Bee ○ Red Dolan ○ the Red Gaucho ○ the Red Panther ○ Red Raven ○ Red Torpedo ○ Red, White and Blue ○ Rex Dexter of Mars ○ Reynolds of the Mounted ○ Robin ○ Rock Braddon of the Space Legion ○ Rocket Riley ○ Rocky Ryan
Samson ○ the Sandman ○ Sandra of the Secret Service ○ the Scarlet Ace ○ Scoop Smith ○ Secret Agent D-13 ○ Secret Agent Z-2 ○ Sergeant Spook ○ the Seven Soldiers of Victory ○ the Shadow ○ the Shark ○ Shark Brodie ○ the Shield ○ Shining Knight ○ Shipwreck Roberts ○ Shock Gibson ○ the Silver Streak ○ Skyman ○ the Skull Squadron ○ Slam Bradley ○ Socko Strong ○ the Solar Legion ○ Son of the Gods ○ Space Admiral Curry ○ the Space Rangers ○ the Space Rovers ○ Space Smith ○ Spark Stevens ○ Speed Centaur ○ Speed Saunders ○ the Spectre ○ Speedy ○ the Spider ○ Spin Shaw ○ Spurt Hammond ○ Spy Fighter ○ Spy Smasher ○ Stardust the Super Wizard ○ Starman ○ the Star-Spangled Kid & Stripesy ○ Steve Conrad ○ Stoney Dawson ○ the Sub-Mariner ○ Sub Saunders ○ Sub-Zero ○ Superman
Tabu, Wizard of the Jungle ○ Ted Crane ○ Tex Thomson ○ the Three Aces ○ the Three Xs ○ the Thunderer ○ TNT Todd ○ Tom Beatty ○ Tom Kerry, District Attorney ○ Tommy the Amazing Kid ○ Tornado Tom ○ Toro ○ the Tough Kid Squad ○ the Triple Terror ○ Trix ○ the Twister ○ Ty-Gor
Ulysses ○ Uncle Sam ○ USA, the Spirit of Old Glory
Vigilante ○ the Vision ○ the Voice ○ the Voice ○ Volton
Walt Worthington ○ Warlock the Wizard ○ the Wasp ○ the Whip ○ Wilton of the West ○ Wing Turner ○ Wings Wendall ○ Wizard Wells ○ the Wraith
Yank Wilson ○ Yarko the Great
Zatara ○ Zoro the Mystery Man
Fake Villains ○ No Foe
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