Agent 17 (Blue Bolt v1 012, 1941)
the Ant Woman (Jungle Comics 005, 1940)
the Arrow (Funny Pages v2 010, 1938)
Bob Phantom (Blue Ribbon Comics 002, 1939)
the Claw (Silver Streak Comics 001, 1939)
Dablo, the Last of the Ray Men (Fantastic Comics 011, 1940)
Doxol (Wonderworld Comics 004, 1939)
Eelo the Fish Man (Fantastic Comics 005, 1940)
the Eye (Keen Detective Funnies v2 012, 1939)
the Fantom of the Fair (Amazing Mystery Funnies v2 011, 1939)
Fantomah (Jungle Comics 002, 1940)
Hyper the Phenomenal (Hyper Mystery Comics 001, 1940)
Icarion (Colossus Comics 001, 1940)
Iron Vic (Single Series 022, 1940)
Jim Giant (Planet Comics 004, 1940)
Kai-Mak the Shark God (Marvel Mystery Comics v1 023, 1941)
the Little Men (Silver Streak Comics 002, 1940)
Lugo, the Harpie of Horror (Blue Beetle Comics 006, 1941)
the Mad Botanist (Blue Ribbon Comics 019, 1941)
the Mad Giant (Fantastic Comics 005, 1940)
the Marvel (Blue Ribbon Comics 002, 1939)
the Masked Marvel (Keen Detective Funnies 007, 1939)
the Master Mystic (Green Giant Comics 001, 1940)
Mister Midnite (Silver Streak Comics 001, 1939)
the Moth (Mystery Men Comics 009, 1940)
Nightshade (Amazing-Man Comics 024, 1941)
Paul Bunyan (National Comics 001, 1940)
Quicksilver (National Comics 005, 1940)
the Red Mask (Best Comics 002, 1939)
the Red Panther (Jungle Comics 002, 1940)
the Sky Wolf (Silver Streak Comics 004, 1940)
Slaughter Slade (Special Edition Comics, 1940)
the Speaking Frog (More Fun Comics 045, 1939)
the Sphinx (Exciting Comics 002, 1940)
the Spook (Silver Streak Comics 006, 1940)
Spy Fighter (Fight Comics 001, 1940)
the Talking Ape (Fantastic Comics 004, 1940)
the Termite Men (Fight Comics 008, 1940)
the Thought Terror (Flash Comics v1 004, 1940)
the Vampire (Daring Mystery Comics 002, 1940)
the Wizard (Top-Notch Comics 001, 1939)
the Wizard I (Shield-Wizard Comics 001, 1940)
the Wizard II (Shield-Wizard Comics 002, 1940)
Yankee Eagle (Military Comics 001, 1941)
Zardi, the Eternal Man (Amazing-Man Comics 011, 1940)
the Zombie Master (Daring Mystery Comics 001, 1940)
Zoro the Mystery Man (Slam-Bang Comics 006, 1940)
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