the Sacred One (Marvel Mystery Comics v1 003, 1940)
Sanglor (Fantastic Comics 007, 1940)
the Sapphire King (Crack Comics 005, 1940)
Sarko (Planet Comics 001, 1940)
Satan (Pep Comics 002, 1940)
Satan Rex (Amazing Mystery Funnies v2 011, 1939)
Satana (Flash Comics v1 013, 1941)
Sax, Dr (Cyclone Comics 005, 1940)
the Scalene Angles (Miracle Comics 001, 1940)
the Scarlet (Crackajack Funnies 021, 1940)
the Scarlet Mermaid (Flash Comics v1 019, 1941)
the Scavengers (Military Comics 005, 1941)
Schwab, Karl (Marvel Mystery Comics v1 016, 1941)
the Scientist (Jungle Comics 004, 1940)
the Scourge (Wonderworld Comics 003, 1939)
Scorp, Professor (Big Shot Comics 015, 1941)
Scorpio (Wonderworld Comics 008, 1939)
Scowl, Dr (Amazing-Man Comics 025, 1941)
Scrag (Blue Beetle Comics 005, 1940)
the Screw (Crack Comics 009, 1941)
the Sea-Devil (Master Comics 007, 1940)
the Sea Khan (More Fun Comics 068, 1941)
the Sea-Witch (Science Comics 005, 1940)
Semmurabi (Champion Comics 010, 1940)
Sendach, Doctor (Human Torch v1 002, 1940)
Senõr Anza (Wonderworld Comics 004, 1939)
the Serpent Lady (Fantastic Comics 012, 1940)
Setap (Action Comics v1 017, 1939)
the Seven Masters (Master Comics 012, 1941)
the Sewer Rat (Amazing-Man Comics 023, 1941)
Shaddiba (Wonder Comics 002, 1939)
the Shade (Action Comics v1 043, 1941)
the Shadow (More Fun Comics 064, 1941)
the Shadow Monster (Silver Streak Comics 005, 1940)
the Shark (Marvel Mystery Comics v1 012)
Short, Henry (Cyclone Comics 005, 1940)
the Silver Fox (Funny Pages v1 007, 1936)
the Silver Worshippers (Silver Streak Comics 005, 1940)
Simba (Blue Bolt v2 001, 1941)
Simm, Professor (Fantastic Comics 009, 1940)
Sinfo (Planet Comics 002, 1940)
Sing, Yen Fat (Pep Comics 005, 1940)
Sirocco (Jungle Comics 007, 1940)
Sivana, Dr (Captain Marvel Adventures 003, 1941)
the Six Big Men (Marvel Comics v1 001, 1939)
the Skeleton Men (Silver Streak Comics 006, 1940)
Sklar (Prize Comics 006, 1940)
the Skull (Detective Comics 043, 1940)
the Skull (Fight Comics 003, 1940)
the Skull (Mystery Men Comics 014, 1940)
the Skull (Mystery Men Comics 015, 1940)
the Skull (More Fun Comics 056, 1940)
Skull-Face (Detective Comics v1 032, 1939)
Skullface Kurd (Fantastic Comics 011, 1940)
the Skull Gang (Crack Comics 006, 1940)
the Sky Demon (Slam-Bang Comics 006, 1940)
the Sky-Ruler (Mystery Men Comics 019, 1941)
Slade, Slaughter (Special Edition Comics, 1940)
Slaughter Slade (Special Edition Comics, 1940)
Slight, Dr (Adventure Comics 056, 1940)
the Slugger (More Fun Comics 043, 1939)
Smart, Dr (Human Torch v1 005a, 1941)
the Smoke Thief (Flash Comics v1 023, 1941)
the Snarl (Hyper Mystery Comics 002, 1940)
Snead, Professor (Fantastic Comics 005, 1940)
Sneely (Fight Comics 004, 1940)
Snegg, Dr (Adventure Comics 051-052, 1940)
the Snow-King (Flash Comics v1 005, 1940)
the Society of Assassins (More Fun Comics 053, 1940)
Solomon Grundy (All-American Comics 041, 1944) [1940]
the Son of Count Dracula (Master Comics 020, 1941)
Sooka, Commander (Blue Bolt v2 004, 1941)
the Sophisticated Lady (Crack Comics 010, 1941)
Sophus, the Mad Philosopher (Planet Comics 008, 1940)
the Space Emperor (Exciting Comics 001, 1940)
Spagna, Dr (Single Series 022, 1940)
the Speaking Frog (More Fun Comics 045, 1939)
the Specter (Exciting Comics 002, 1940)
the Spectre (More Fun Comics 061,1940)
the Spectre (Crackajack Funnies 035, 1941)
Speed, Inc (Feature Comics 040, 1941)
the Sphinx (Mystery Men Comics 018, 1941)
the Spider (Detective Comics 036, 1940)
the Spider (Action Comics v1 035, 1941)
the Spider (All American Comics 028, 1941)
the Spook (Silver Streak Comics 006, 1940)
the Squadron of Death (Funny Pages v4 004, 1940)
the Star-Gazer (Mystic Comics v1 003, 1940)
Stark, Rodney (Whiz Comics 007, 1940)
the Steel Shark (Rocket Comics 001, 1940)
Stentor (Big Shot Comics 011, 1941)
the Stone Idol (Detective Comics v1 056, 1941)
Storm, Garr (Fight Comics 008, 1940)
Strange, Hugo (Detective Comics v1 036) [1940]
Stuporman (Crack Comics 008, 1940)
the Submarine Gang (Exciting Comics 005, 1940)
Sulia, Queen (Fantastic Comics 011, 1940)
Sunga, Dr (Daring Mystery Comics 005, 1940)
the Super Fiend (Fantastic Comics 010, 1940)
the Swamp Devil (Captain Marvel Adventures 005, 1941)
the Swamp Master (Blue Beetle Comics 010, 1941)
the Swords of Death (Hit Comics 006, 1940)
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