the Shark (Amazing-Man Comics 006, 1939)
Blanda the Jungle Queen (Miracle Comics 001, 1940)
Cat Man (Crash Comics Adventures 004, 1940)
the Ermine (Star Ranger Funnies v1 015, 1938)
Jungleman (Champion Comics 002, 1939)
the Red Panther (Jungle Comics 002, 1940)
the Shark (Amazing-Man Comics 006, 1939)
Yankee Eagle (Military Comics 001, 1941)
Spiritman (Silver Streak Comics 001, 1939)
the Dragon Man (Planet Comics 003, 1940)
Inferno (Blue Ribbon Comics 013, 1941)
Strongman (Crash Comics Adventures 001, 1940)
Magician from Mars (Amazing-Man Comics 007, 1939)
the Master Mystic (Green Giant Comics 001, 1940)
Tornado Tom (Cyclone Comics 001, 1940)
the Twister (Blue Bolt v2 001, 1941)
Freezum (Blue Bolt v2 005, 1941)
Sub-Zero (Blue Bolt v1 001 1940)
Blue Bolt (Blue Bolt v1 001, 1940)
Shock Gibson (Speed Comics 001, 1939)
the Flame (Wonderworld Comics 003, 1939)
ENHANCED PHYSICAL ATTRIBUTES (verging on the superhuman)
the Marksman (Amazing-Man Comics 023, 1941)
Amazing-Man (Amazing-Man Comics 005, 1939)
Cat Man (Crash Comics Adventures 004, 1940)
the Champ (Champion Comics 002, 1939)
Dick Cole (Blue Bolt v1 001 1940)
Kaänga (Jungle Comics 001, 1940)
the Red Panther (Jungle Comics 002, 1940)
Robo of the Little People (Cyclone Comics 002, 1940)
Spy Fighter (Fight Comics 001, 1940)
Tabu, Wizard of the Jungle (Jungle Comics 001, 1940)
Amazing-Man (Amazing-Man Comics 005, 1939)
Cat Man (Crash Comics Adventures 004, 1940)
the Champ (Champion Comics 002, 1939)
Dick Cole (Blue Bolt v1 001 1940)
Hercules (Blue Ribbon Comics 004, 1940)
the Masked Marvel (Keen Detective Funnies 007, 1939)
the Red Panther (Jungle Comics 002, 1940)
the Sphinx (Exciting Comics 002, 1940)
Tabu, Wizard of the Jungle (Jungle Comics 001, 1940)
Tornado Tom (Cyclone Comics 001, 1940)
the White Panther (Jungle Comics 001, 1940)
Wonder Man (Wonder Comics 001, 1939)
Agra (Planet Comics 002, 1940)
the Arrow (Funny Pages v2 010, 1938)
Auro, Lord of Jupiter (Planet Comics 001, 1940)
Blanda the Jungle Queen (Miracle Comics 001, 1940)
the Blue Lady (Amazing-Man Comics 024, 1941)
the Blue Streak (Crash Comics Adventures 001, 1940)
Bob Phantom (Blue Ribbon Comics 002, 1939)
Captain Courageous (Banner Comics 003, 1941)
the Champ (Champion Comics 002, 1939)
Dick Cole (Blue Bolt v1 001 1940)
Don Rance and the Mysticape (Detective Eye 002, 1940)
the Flame (Wonderworld Comics 003, 1939)
the Green Mask (Mystery Men Comics 001, 1939)
Hyper the Phenomenal (Hyper Mystery Comics 001, 1940)
Kaänga (Jungle Comics 001, 1940)
the Lone Warrior (and Dicky) (Banner Comics 003, 1941)
the Red Panther (Jungle Comics 002, 1940)
Robo of the Little People (Cyclone Comics 002, 1940)
the Rocket (Pep Comics 001, 1940)
Tornado Tom (Cyclone Comics 001, 1940)
the Wizard (Top-Notch Comics 001, 1939)
Johnny Fox (Champion Comics 006, 1940)
Kaänga (Jungle Comics 001, 1940)
the Red Panther (Jungle Comics 002, 1940)
Tabu, Wizard of the Jungle (Jungle Comics 001, 1940)
Ace of Space (Feature Comics 038, 1940)
Amazing-Man (Amazing-Man Comics 005, 1939)
Cat Man (Crash Comics Adventures 004, 1940)
King of Darkness (Amazing-Man Comics 024, 1941)
Bozo the Iron Man (Smash Comics 001, 1939)
Stardust the Super Wizard (Fantastic Comics 001, 1939)
Strongman (Crash Comics Adventures 001, 1940)
Ace of Space (Feature Comics 038, 1940)
Blue Bolt (Blue Bolt v1 001, 1940)
Bozo the Iron Man (Smash Comics 001, 1939)
Captain Courageous (Banner Comics 003, 1941)
the Comet (Pep Comics 001, 1940)
the Eye (Keen Detective Funnies v2 012, 1939)
Fantomah (Jungle Comics 002, 1940)
the Green Mask (Mystery Men Comics 001, 1939)
the Human Meteor (Champion Comics 008, 1940)
Hyper the Phenomenal (Hyper Mystery Comics 001, 1940)
Lois Blake (Blue Bolt v2 007, 1941)
Magician from Mars (Amazing-Man Comics 007, 1939)
the Master Mystic (Green Giant Comics 001, 1940)
Mr Justice (Blue Ribbon Comics 009, 1941)
Sergeant Spook (Blue Bolt v1 001, 1940)
Spiritman (Silver Streak Comics 001, 1939)
Spy Fighter (Fight Comics 001, 1940)
Stardust the Super Wizard (Fantastic Comics 001, 1939)
Tommy the Amazing Kid (Amazing-Man Comics 023, 1941)
USA, the Spirit of Old Glory (Feature Comics 042, 1941)
the Black Fury (Blackstone Super-Magician 001, 1941)
Don Rance and the Mysticape (Detective Eye 002, 1940)
Air Man (Keen Detective Funnies 023, 1940)
the Dragon Man (Planet Comics 003, 1940)
Icarion (Colossus Comics 001, 1940)
the Moth (Mystery Men Comics 009, 1940)
the Owl (Funny Pages v4 001, 1940)
Magician from Mars (Amazing-Man Comics 007, 1939)
Arco (Jungle Comics 011, 1940)
Dash Dixon (Miracle Comics 001, 1940)
Magician from Mars (Amazing-Man Comics 007, 1939)
Setap (Action Comics v1 017, 1939)
Sneely (Fight Comics 004, 1940)
Thoth (Jungle Comics 011, 1940)
the Voice (Feature Comics 032, 1940)
Zardi, the Eternal Man (Amazing-Man Comics 011, 1940)
Bob Phantom (Blue Ribbon Comics 002, 1939)
the Fantom of the Fair (Amazing Mystery Funnies v2 011, 1939)
Sergeant Spook (Blue Bolt v1 001, 1940)
Spiritman (Silver Streak Comics 001, 1939)
the Flaming Claws (Jungle Comics 010, 1940)
the Great I (Adventure Comics 052-054, 1940)
the Invisible Hood (Smash Comics 001, 1939)
the Invisible Man (Detective Comics 041, 1940)
the Invisible Slayer (Marvel Mystery Comics v1 019, 1941)
the Invisible Terror (More Fun Comics 044, 1939)
Johnny Fox (Champion Comics 006, 1940)
Ken Traymore and the Invisobox (Detective Eye 002, 1940)
Mr Glib (All American Comics 011, 1940)
Sergeant Spook (Blue Bolt v1 001, 1940)
Spiritman (Silver Streak Comics 001, 1939)
the Unseen Man (Adventure Comics 064, 1941)
Bozo the Iron Man (Smash Comics 001, 1939)
Captain Courageous (Banner Comics 003, 1941)
Hercules (Blue Ribbon Comics 004, 1940)
Hercules (Hit Comics 001, 1940)
the Human Meteor (Champion Comics 008, 1940)
the Iron Skull (Amazing-Man Comics 005, 1939)
Little Giant (OK Comics 001, 1940)
Magician from Mars (Amazing-Man Comics 007, 1939)
the Masked Marvel (Keen Detective Funnies 007, 1939)
Mr Justice (Blue Ribbon Comics 009, 1941)
Power-Man (Fight Comics 003, 1940)
the Purple Zombie (Reg'lar Fellers Heroic Comics 001, 1940)
Robo of the Little People (Cyclone Comics 002, 1940)
Samson (Fantastic Comics 001, 1939)
Son of the Gods (Exciting Comics 002, 1940)
Speed Centaur (Amazing Mystery Funnies v2 008, 1939)
the Sphinx (Exciting Comics 002, 1940)
Stardust the Super Wizard (Fantastic Comics 001, 1939)
Strongman (Crash Comics Adventures 001, 1940)
Sub-Zero (Blue Bolt v1 001 1940)
the Tulpa (Colossus Comics 001, 1940)
USA, the Spirit of Old Glory (Feature Comics 042, 1941)
Wonder Boy (National Comics 001, 1940)
Wonder Man (Wonder Comics 001, 1939)
TNT Todd (Keen Detective Funnies 021, 1940)
the Flame (Wonderworld Comics 003, 1939)
the Creature (Planet Comics 002, 1940)
Arco (Jungle Comics 011, 1940)
Beldame Gaffy (All-Star Comics 001, 1940)
the Black Witch (Batman Comics v1 005, 1941)
the Black Witch (Crack Comics 018, 1941)
the Camera Eye (Adventure Comics 066, 1941)
Chalo (Action Comics 024, 1940)
Doctor Miracle (Champion Comics 009, 1940)
Fantomah (Jungle Comics 002, 1940)
the Ghost Crook (Blue Bolt v2 003, 1941)
the Green Devil (Slam-Bang Comics 003, 1940)
the Hag of Blackamoor (Fantastic Comics 007, 1940)
the Jungle Demon (Jungle Comics 006, 1940)
Kataka, Witch of the Volcano (Fantastic Comics 012, 1940)
Khor, the Black Sorcerer (Marvel Mystery Comics v1 022, 1941)
Koth (More Fun Comics 014, 1936)
Kulak (All-Star Comics 002, 1940)
Madame Kelly (Action Comics v1 011, 1939)
Mango the Mighty (More Fun Comics 057, 1940)
Mantoka, Maker of Indian Magic (Funny Pages v4 001, 1940)
Marvelo, Monarch of Magicians (Big Shot Comics 001, 1940)
the Master (Action Comics v1 030, 1940)
the Master of Corpses (More Fun Comics 031, 1938)
Miraco the Great (Amazing-Man Comics 023, 1941)
Miss America (Military Comics 001, 1941)
Mr Muro (Daring Mystery Comics 001, 1940)
Mor the Mighty (Marvel Mystery Comics v1 017, 1941)
the Mystic (Top-Notch Comics 001, 1939)
Negus (Fantastic Comics 003, 1940)
Oo-Lhat (Champion Comics 003, 1940)
Piang the Terrible (Whiz Comics 009, 1940)
Professor Enric Zagnar (Marvel Mystery Comics v1 025, 1941)
Queen Sulia (Fantastic Comics 011, 1940)
the Red Comet (Planet Comics 001, 1940)
the Sacred One (Marvel Mystery Comics v1 003, 1940)
Semmurabi (Champion Comics 010, 1940)
Setap (Action Comics v1 017, 1939)
Shaddiba (Wonder Comics 002, 1939)
Tabu, Wizard of the Jungle (Jungle Comics 001, 1940)
Thoth (Jungle Comics 011, 1940)
Trygg (All-Star Comics 001, 1940)
Vladim (Wonderworld Comics 005, 1939)
Warlock the Wizard (Nickel Comics 001, 1940)
the Witch-Master (Slam-Bang Comics 005, 1940)
the Wizard (All-Star Comics 003, 1940)
Wolf-Eye (Fantastic Comics 005, 1940)
Yarko the Great (Wonder Comics 002, 1939)
Zardi, the Eternal Man (Amazing-Man Comics 011, 1940)
Zero, Ghost Detective (Feature Comics 032, 1940)
Hyper the Phenomenal (Hyper Mystery Comics 001, 1940)
Agent 17 (Blue Bolt v1 012, 1941)
Catwoman (Batman v1 001, 1940) [1940]
the Face (Adventure Comics 044, 1939)
Madame Doom (Smash Comics 004, 1939)
the Man With 1000 Faces (Speed Comics 001, 1939)
the Man Without a Face (Bulletman 002, 1941)
the Mask (Action Comics 022, 1940)
Mister Q (Cyclone Comics 001, 1940)
the Witch (Flash Comics v1 005, 1940)
"?" (Smash Comics 002, 1939)
the Brain (More Fun Comics 062, 1940)
the Mad Lama (Action Comics v1 009, 1939)
the Masked Marvel (Keen Detective Funnies 007, 1939)
the Master Mystic (Green Giant Comics 001, 1940)
Unnamed Hypnotist (Big Shot Comics 008, 1940)
Dr Hypno (Amazing-Man Comics 014, 1940)
Sarko (Planet Comics 001, 1940)
Stardust the Super Wizard (Fantastic Comics 001, 1939)
the White Panther (Jungle Comics 001, 1940)
Amazing-Man (Amazing-Man Comics 005, 1939)
the Wizard (Top-Notch Comics 001, 1939)
Ace of Space (Feature Comics 038, 1940)
Amazing-Man (Amazing-Man Comics 005, 1939)
the Eye (Keen Detective Funnies v2 012, 1939)
Spy Fighter (Fight Comics 001, 1940)
the Eye (Keen Detective Funnies v2 012, 1939)
the Master Mystic (Green Giant Comics 001, 1940)
Cat Man (Crash Comics Adventures 004, 1940)
Stardust the Super Wizard (Fantastic Comics 001, 1939)
the Iron Skull (Amazing-Man Comics 005, 1939)
Amazing-Man (Amazing-Man Comics 005, 1939)
the Dragon Man (Planet Comics 003, 1940)
the Master Mystic (Green Giant Comics 001, 1940)
the Twister (Blue Bolt v2 001, 1941)
Hydroman (Reg'lar Fellers Heroic Comics 001, 1940)
the Comet (Pep Comics 001, 1940)
TNT Todd (Keen Detective Funnies 021, 1940)
the Eye (Keen Detective Funnies v2 012, 1939)
the Eye (Keen Detective Funnies v2 012, 1939)
Nightshade (Amazing-Man Comics 024, 1941)
Ace of Space (Feature Comics 038, 1940)
the Green Giant (Green Giant Comics 001, 1940)
Magician from Mars (Amazing-Man Comics 007, 1939)
Mighty Man (Amazing-Man Comics 005, 1939)
Mr Justice (Blue Ribbon Comics 009, 1941)
the Red Comet (Planet Comics 001, 1940)
Spy Fighter (Fight Comics 001, 1940)
Radgio (Planet Comics 003, 1940)
von Blumb (Jungle Comics 012, 1940)
Mighty Man (Amazing-Man Comics 005, 1939)
the Masked Marvel (Keen Detective Funnies 007, 1939)
the Wizard (Top-Notch Comics 001, 1939)
Blue Bolt (Blue Bolt v1 001, 1940)
the Green Giant (Green Giant Comics 001, 1940)
Hercules (Hit Comics 001, 1940)
Little Giant (OK Comics 001, 1940)
Power-Man (Fight Comics 003, 1940)
Samson (Fantastic Comics 001, 1939)
the Shield (Pep Comics 001, 1940)
Shock Gibson (Speed Comics 001, 1939)
Speed Centaur (Amazing Mystery Funnies v2 008, 1939)
Spy Fighter (Fight Comics 001, 1940)
Wonder Boy (National Comics 001, 1940)
Wonder Man (Wonder Comics 001, 1939)
Dash Dixon (Miracle Comics 001, 1940)
the Human Meteor (Champion Comics 008, 1940)
the Master Mystic (Green Giant Comics 001, 1940)
Mr Justice (Blue Ribbon Comics 009, 1941)
Quicksilver (National Comics 005, 1940)
Shock Gibson (Speed Comics 001, 1939)
Speed Centaur (Amazing Mystery Funnies v2 008, 1939)
Strongman (Crash Comics Adventures 001, 1940)
Wonder Boy (National Comics 001, 1940)
Amazing-Man (Amazing-Man Comics 005, 1939)
Blue Bolt (Blue Bolt v1 001, 1940)
Bozo the Iron Man (Smash Comics 001, 1939)
the Creature (Planet Comics 002, 1940)
Dash Dixon (Miracle Comics 001, 1940)
the Fantom of the Fair (Amazing Mystery Funnies v2 011, 1939)
Hercules (Blue Ribbon Comics 004, 1940)
Hercules (Hit Comics 001, 1940)
the Human Meteor (Champion Comics 008, 1940)
the Iron Skull (Amazing-Man Comics 005, 1939)
Little Giant (OK Comics 001, 1940)
the Masked Marvel (Keen Detective Funnies 007, 1939)
Mighty Man (Amazing-Man Comics 005, 1939)
Mr Justice (Blue Ribbon Comics 009, 1941)
Paul Bunyan (National Comics 001, 1940)
Power-Man (Fight Comics 003, 1940)
the Purple Zombie (Reg'lar Fellers Heroic Comics 001, 1940)
Samson (Fantastic Comics 001, 1939)
the Shark (Amazing-Man Comics 006, 1939)
the Shield (Pep Comics 001, 1940)
Shock Gibson (Speed Comics 001, 1939)
Son of the Gods (Exciting Comics 002, 1940)
Speed Centaur (Amazing Mystery Funnies v2 008, 1939)
the Sphinx (Exciting Comics 002, 1940)
Spy Fighter (Fight Comics 001, 1940)
Strongman (Crash Comics Adventures 001, 1940)
Super-Ann (Amazing-Man Comics 024, 1941)
Tabu, Wizard of the Jungle (Jungle Comics 001, 1940)
Tommy the Amazing Kid (Amazing-Man Comics 023, 1941)
the Tulpa (Colossus Comics 001, 1940)
the Voice (Feature Comics 032, 1940)
Volton (Cyclone Comics 001, 1940)
Wonder Boy (National Comics 001, 1940)
Wonder Man (Wonder Comics 001, 1939)
Samson (Fantastic Comics 001, 1939)
the Shark (Amazing-Man Comics 006, 1939)
Wonder Boy (National Comics 001, 1940)
Bozo the Iron Man (Smash Comics 001, 1939)
Samson (Fantastic Comics 001, 1939)
Bob Phantom (Blue Ribbon Comics 002, 1939)
Don Rance and the Mysticape (Detective Eye 002, 1940)
the Eye (Keen Detective Funnies v2 012, 1939)
Stardust the Super Wizard (Fantastic Comics 001, 1939)
the Flame (Wonderworld Comics 003, 1939)
the Shark (Amazing-Man Comics 006, 1939)
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