Minor super-heroes!
Ace of Space (Feature Comics 038, 1940)
Air Man (Keen Detective Funnies 023, 1940)
Amazing-Man (Amazing-Man Comics 005, 1939)
Amazona the Mighty Woman (Planet Comics 003, 1940)
the Arrow (Funny Pages v2 010, 1938)
Auro, Lord of Jupiter (Planet Comics 001, 1940)
Black Ace (Smash Comics 001, 1939)
the Black Arrow (Green Giant Comics 001, 1940)
the Black Condor (Crack Comics 001, 1940)
the Black Fury (Blackstone Super-Magician 001, 1941)
the Black Ghost (Popular Comics 039, 1939)
the Black Owl (Prize Comics 002, 1940)
Black X (Feature Funnies 013, 1938)
Blackstone the Magician (Blackstone Super-Magician 001, 1941)
Blanda the Jungle Queen (Miracle Comics 001, 1940)
the Blue Blaze (Mystic Comics v1 001, 1940)
Blue Bolt (Blue Bolt v1 001, 1940)
the Blue Lady (Amazing-Man Comics 024, 1941)
the Blue Streak (Crash Comics Adventures 001, 1940)
the Blue Tracer (Military Comics 001, 1941)
Bob Phantom (Blue Ribbon Comics 002, 1939)
the Boyville Brigadiers (Feature Comics 045, 1941)
Bozo the Iron Man (Smash Comics 001, 1939)
Buddy Smith (National Comics 001, 1940)
Camilla, Queen of the Lost Empire (Jungle Comics 001, 1940)
Captain Courageous (Banner Comics 003, 1941)
Captain Desmo (New Adventure Comics 026, 1938)
Captain Flag (Blue Ribbon Comics 016, 1941)
the Cat Man (Amazing-Man Comics 005, 1939)
Cat Man (Crash Comics Adventures 004, 1940)
the Champ (Champion Comics 002, 1939)
Chuck Hardy (Amazing-Man Comics 005, 1939)
the Cloak (Big Shot Comics 021, 1942)
the Cloak II (Big Shot Comics 015, 1941)
the Clock (Funny Pages 006, 1936)
the Comet (Pep Comics 001, 1940)
Corporal Collins, Infantryman (Blue Ribbon Comics 002, 1939)
Daredevil (Silver Streak Comics 006, 1940)
Dash Dartwell, the Human Meteor (Amazing-Man Comics 021, 1941)
Dash Dixon (Miracle Comics 001, 1940)
David (Fantastic Comics 010, 1940)
the Defender (Rocket Comics 002, 1940)
the Destroying Demon (Feature Comics 039, 1940)
the Devil's Dagger (Master Comics 001, 1940)
Diamond Jack (Slam-Bang Comics 001, 1940)
Dick Cole (Blue Bolt v1 001 1940)
Dickie Dean, Boy Inventor (Silver Streak Comics 003, 1940)
Doc Strong (Blue Ribbon Comics 004, 1940)
Doctor Doom (The Comics 001, 1937)
Doctor Hormone (Popular Comics 054, 1940)
Domino, the Miracle Boy (Green Mask v1 001, 1940)
Dr Hypno (Amazing-Man Comics 014, 1940)
Doctor Miracle (Champion Comics 009, 1940)
Don Rance and the Mysticape (Detective Eye 002, 1940)
Dynamo (Science Comics 001, 1940)
the Eagle (Science Comics 001, 1940)
Electro (Marvel Mystery Comics 004, 1940)
Electro (Science Comics 001, 1940)
the Ermine (Star Ranger Funnies v1 015, 1938)
the Eye (Keen Detective Funnies v2 012, 1939)
the Face (Big Shot Comics 001, 1940)
the Falcon (Pep Comics 001, 1940)
Fantomah (Jungle Comics 002, 1940)
Fantoman (Fantoman 003, 1940)
the Fantom of the Fair (Amazing Mystery Funnies v2 011, 1939)
Fero, Planet Detective (Planet Comics 005, 1940)
the Flame (Wonderworld Comics 003, 1939)
Flexo the Rubber Man (Mystic Comics v1, 1940)
the Flying Fox (More Fun Comics 037, 1938)
the Fox (Blue Ribbon Comics 004, 1940)
Freezum (Blue Bolt v2 005, 1941)
Fu Chang (Pep Comics 001, 1940)
the Ghost of Flanders (Hit Comics 018, 1941)
the Golden Knight (Fantastic Comics 001, 1939)
the Green Falcon (Blue Ribbon Comics 004, 1940)
the Green Giant (Green Giant Comics 001, 1940)
the Green Mask (Mystery Men Comics 001, 1939)
the Guardian Angel (All-American Comics 025, 1941)
the Headless Horseman (Amazing Mystery Funnies v3 003, 1940)
Hercules (Blue Ribbon Comics 004, 1940)
Hercules (Hit Comics 001, 1940)
Hercules (Mystic Comics v1 003, 1940)
Hugh Hazzard (Smash Comics 001, 1939)
the Human Meteor (Champion Comics 008, 1940)
the Human Top (Red Raven 001, 1940)
Hydroman (Reg'lar Fellers Heroic Comics 001, 1940)
Hyper the Phenomenal (Hyper Mystery Comics 001, 1940)
Icarion (Colossus Comics 001, 1940)
Inferno (Blue Ribbon Comics 013, 1941)
the Invisible Hood (Smash Comics 001, 1939)
the Iron Skull (Amazing-Man Comics 005, 1939)
Iron Vic (Single Series 022, 1940)
Jim Giant (Planet Comics 004, 1940)
Johnny Fox (Champion Comics 006, 1940)
Jungleman (Champion Comics 002, 1939)
Jupiter (Prize Comics 001, 1940)
Just n' Right (Doll Man 001, 1941)
K the Unknown (Prize Comics 001, 1940)
Kaänga (Jungle Comics 001, 1940)
Ken Traymore and the Invisobox (Detective Eye 002, 1940)
King of Darkness (Amazing-Man Comics 024, 1941)
Lance Hale (Silver Streak Comics 002, 1940)
Little Giant (OK Comics 001, 1940)
Lobo, the Flying Sleuth (Champion Comics 006, 1940)
Lois Blake (Blue Bolt v2 007, 1941)
the Lone Marshal (The Comics 001, 1937)
the Lone Star Rider (Smash Comics 002, 1939)
the Lone Warrior (and Dicky) (Banner Comics 003, 1941)
Madam Fatal (Crack Comics 001, 1940)
Magician from Mars (Amazing-Man Comics 007, 1939)
Major Mars (Exciting Comics 001, 1940)
the Man With 1000 Faces (Speed Comics 001, 1939)
Mantoka, Maker of Indian Magic (Funny Pages v4 001, 1940)
Marga the Panther Woman (Science Comics 001, 1940)
the Marksman (Amazing-Man Comics 023, 1941)
Martan the Marvel Man (Popular Comics 046, 1939)
the Marvel (Blue Ribbon Comics 002, 1939)
Marvelo, Monarch of Magicians (Big Shot Comics 001, 1940)
the Mask (Star Comics v1 013, 1938)
the Mask (Exciting Comics 001, 1940)
the Masked Angel (Miracle Comics 001, 1940)
the Masked Marvel (Keen Detective Funnies 007, 1939)
the Masked Pilot (Popular Comics 040, 1939)
the Masked Rider (Exciting Comics 002, 1940)
the Master Mystic (Green Giant Comics 001, 1940)
Merlin the Magician (National Comics 001, 1940)
Mighty Man (Amazing-Man Comics 005, 1939)
Minimidget (Amazing-Man Comics 005, 1939)
Miraco the Great (Amazing-Man Comics 023, 1941)
Miss America (Military Comics 001, 1941)
Miss X (Mystery Men Comics 019, 1941)
Mr Justice (Blue Ribbon Comics 009, 1941)
Mister Midnite (Silver Streak Comics 001, 1939)
Mister Q (Cyclone Comics 001, 1940)
the Moth (Mystery Men Comics 009, 1940)
the Mystic (Top-Notch Comics 001, 1939)
Navy Jones (Science Comics 001, 1940)
Nedda, Queen of the Elephants (Master Comics 007, 1940)
Nightshade (Amazing-Man Comics 024, 1941)
the Orchid (Feature Funnies 003, 1937)
the Owl (Funny Pages v4 001, 1940)
Paul Bunyan (National Comics 001, 1940)
the Phantom Bullet (Daring Mystery Comics 002, 1940)
the Phantom Knight (OK Comics 001, 1940)
the Phantom o' the Hills (Western Picture Stories 001, 1937)
the Phantom Ranger (Rocket Comics 001, 1940)
the Phantom Rider (Star Comics v1 016, 1938)
the Phantom Sub (Blue Bolt v1 001 1940)
Power-Man (Fight Comics 003, 1940)
Power Nelson (Prize Comics 001, 1940)
the Press Guardian (Pep Comics 002, 1940)
the Purple Zombie (Reg'lar Fellers Heroic Comics 001, 1940)
the Q-Boat (Military Comics 001, 1941)
the Queen of Diamonds (Pep Comics 001, 1940)
Quicksilver (National Comics 005, 1940)
Rang-a-Tang the Wonder Dog (Blue Ribbon Comics 001, 1939)
the Red Comet (Planet Comics 001, 1940)
the Red Knight (Cyclone Comics 001, 1940)
the Red Mask (Best Comics 002, 1939)
the Red Panther (Jungle Comics 002, 1940)
Red Roberts, the Electro Man (Rocket Comics 001, 1940)
the Red Torpedo (Crack Comics 001, 1940)
the Red Triangle (Feature Comics 046, 1941)
Red, White and Blue (All-American Comics 001, 1939)
the Researcher (Green Giant Comics 001, 1940)
Robinhood Jones (Champion Comics 007, 1940)
Robo of the Little People (Cyclone Comics 002, 1940)
the Rocket (Pep Comics 001, 1940)
Samson (Fantastic Comics 001, 1939)
the Scorpion (Miracle Comics 001, 1940)
Sergeant Spook (Blue Bolt v1 001, 1940)
the Shark (Amazing-Man Comics 006, 1939)
the Shield (Pep Comics 001, 1940)
Shock Gibson (Speed Comics 001, 1939)
the Silver Streak (Silver Streak Comics 003, 1940)
Skyman (Big Shot Comics 001, 1940)
Sky Wizard (Miracle Comics 001, 1940)
the Skull Squadron (Fight Comics 001, 1940)
the Sky Wolf (Silver Streak Comics 004, 1940)
the Sniper (Military Comics 005, 1941)
the Solar Legion (Crash Comics Adventures 001, 1940)
Son of the Gods (Exciting Comics 002, 1940)
Speed Centaur (Amazing Mystery Funnies v2 008, 1939)
the Sphinx (Exciting Comics 002, 1940)
Spiritman (Silver Streak Comics 001, 1939)
Spy Fighter (Fight Comics 001, 1940)
Stardust the Super Wizard (Fantastic Comics 001, 1939)
the Strange Twins (Hit Comics 001, 1940)
Strongman (Crash Comics Adventures 001, 1940)
Sub-Zero (Blue Bolt v1 001 1940)
Super-Ann (Amazing-Man Comics 024, 1941)
Super Horse (Blue Bolt v1 001 1940)
Tabu, Wizard of the Jungle (Jungle Comics 001, 1940)
the Three Aces (Action Comics v1 018, 1939)
Thunderbolt (Flash Comics v1 007, 1940)
the Thunderer (Daring Mystery Comics 007, 1941)
Tiger Hart of Crossbone Castle (Planet Comics 002, 1940)
T.N.T. (Amazing-Man Comics 021, 1941)
TNT Todd (Keen Detective Funnies 021, 1940)
Tommy the Amazing Kid (Amazing-Man Comics 023, 1941)
Tommy the Super-Boy (Shield-Wizard Comics 002, 1940)
Tornado Tom (Cyclone Comics 001, 1940)
Torro (Planet Comics 002, 1940)
the Tough Kid Squad (Tough Kid Squad 001, 1942)
Triple Terror (Tip-Top Comics 034, 1940)
Trix (Doc Savage Comics v1 004, 1941)
the Tulpa (Colossus Comics 001, 1940)
the Twister (Blue Bolt v2 001, 1941)
Ty-Gor (Blue Ribbon Comics 004, 1940)
Uncle Sam (National Comics 001, 1940)
USA, the Spirit of Old Glory (Feature Comics 042, 1941)
the Voice (Feature Comics 032, 1940)
Volton (Cyclone Comics 001, 1940)
the Wasp (Silver Streak Comics 001, 1939)
Warlock the Wizard (Nickel Comics 001, 1940)
the White Panther (Jungle Comics 001, 1940)
the White Rider (Blue Bolt v1 001 1940)
Whiz, King of Falcons (Silver Streak Comics 006, 1940)
the Wizard (Top-Notch Comics 001, 1939)
the Wizard I (Shield-Wizard Comics 001, 1940)
the Wizard II (Shield-Wizard Comics 002, 1940)
Wonder Boy (National Comics 001, 1940)
Wonder Man (Wonder Comics 001, 1939)
the Wraith (Mystery Men Comics 027, 1941)
Yankee Eagle (Military Comics 001, 1941)
Yarko the Great (Wonder Comics 002, 1939)
Zardi, the Eternal Man (Amazing-Man Comics 011, 1940)
Zero, Ghost Detective (Feature Comics 032, 1940)
Zoro the Mystery Man (Slam-Bang Comics 006, 1940)
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