Friday, August 5, 2022


(Feature Comics 032-037, 1940)

Of the dozen or so heroes and villains named the Voice, this is the best of them all, hands down. Let's review:

-shipwrecked on an island in 1790, lives off of special herbs that extend the human lifespan and empower the body

-finally picked up in 1940, moves to NYC at 150-something years old

-successfully synthesizes the herb's properties, ensuring that his life will continue indefinitely. Decides to fight crime

-learns ventriloquism and close-up magic

The last is my favourite part: he's an old man who can pick up a car, for example, but most of his cases are solved with the application of a thrown voice or two. Plus that blonde guy in the second set of panels is his neighbour who just happens to be nearby when Mr Elixer - did I mention that his non-super-hero name is Mr Elixer? - decides to fight crime and is basically conscripted into being his butler.

Really really good dumb fun comic stuff. BRING BACK the Voice!

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(Smash Comics 006, 1940) Time for a very obscure character indeed: Kadu-Kan, who put out Black X's eye in an attempt to induce him to sp...