Thursday, October 6, 2022


(Bulletman 002, 1941)

I cannot tell a lie: I love a fake mummy. I can't help it - there's something about a crook going to the trouble of wrapping themself up in old linen that is very endearing to me. And as with our friend here, they often have a modifier to distinguish them from the workaday mummies that you see everywhere. They're a Golden Mummy or a Missing Mummy, or, as with our boy here, a Limping Mummy.

The actual reason for mummying up is usually the same: disguise yourself so that you can rob a museum or steal some Egyptian artifacts or steal some Egyptian artifacts from a museum. The reason our guy is a limping mummy is that he decided to add another layer to his disguise and throw suspicion on Benhurst the museum director, who walks with a cane.

And then, he attempts a third layer of obfuscation by using his civilian identity, newspaper editor Jason Hilder, to slam the police for not being able to deal with all these mummy crimes! This is actually a terrible idea, since Hilder wasn't at all involved before and he actually ends up getting caught because he takes it too far and attacks Sergeant Kent of the police for... some reason? The Limping Mummy's plot doesn't really hold together is I guess what I've been trying to lay out here.

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Can't keep 'em down for long, these guys. Look, breeding up a giant amoeba in order to use it to spread terror and conquer the world...