Friday, March 10, 2023


(Hit Comics 001-021, 1940-1942)

There's nothing too special about Hercules - he's a super-strong guy who shrugs off small-arms fire and is a champion of the people after seeing his mother ruined by unscrupulous businessmen - but I really like the callout text at the start of his first adventure. He's not an alien, you rubes! No mad scientist created our boy Joe Hercules! No, he's just a regular super-powered American with no explanation! Named Joe Hercules, I must repeat. Check and mate, I think, all other other comics.

Sadly for Hercules, he never really hits the big time. He gets a mention in James Robinson's Starman but only to say that he has Alzheimer's, in one of those "all the old heroes who weren't in the JSA are doddering wrecks now" bits of colour he loves so much.


Hercules does have the distinction of being part of the small-but-significant number of super-heroes who got their inspiration by reading about other super-heroes in the comics, specifically Doll Man.

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(Fantastic Comics 007, 1940)  Mr Clipp here is our first villain with "Gyp" or "Gypsy" as a part of their name, and ther...