Tuesday, April 11, 2023


(Marvel Comics v1 001, 1939)

The Six Big Men ain't much, just a bunch of guys who teamed up to do the maximum amount of Crime possible in an unidentified American city. But I am including them in this list, for two reasons: 1. they're the first even marginal minor super-villains in Marvel Comics (I of course know about Timely Comics, pedants, but I round up) history, and 2. the Six Big Men are actually Seven Big Men and One Big Woman, and I love me some nominative misdirection.

So it's like this: the Six Big Men work for Dr Lang (above, middle, bottom) and his associate Lil, with an agreement to split all earnings evenly at the end of one year. Lang and Lil, preferring to reap the entire profit themselves, hatch a plot that involves Lang forming a citizen's group to combat crime and influencing that group to bring in bigger-deal-in-the--golden-Age super-hero the Angel to kill everyone.

And it almost works! The Angel kills basically everyone! The one flaw, of course, is that Lang does very little to cover his tracks and also drew attention to himself in the first place. Ah well, it's early days in the Timely Marvel Universe.

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(Fantastic Comics 007, 1940)  Mr Clipp here is our first villain with "Gyp" or "Gypsy" as a part of their name, and ther...