Thursday, May 25, 2023


(Marvel Mystery Comics 024, 1941)

It's been a while since we've had a proper evil equivalent, so here's Grosso to show us how it's done! Golden Age Vision, see, is from an extradimensional realm usually called Smokeworld that's full of smoke and that the Vision travels to and from via (you guessed it) clouds of smoke. Smoke is kind of his whole deal. Grosso, by contrast, is from the World of War-Dust, with war-dust being defined as clouds of metallic particulate like aluminum. Whether the dust strictly has to have been generated in the production of armaments isn't really addressed - Grosso is a vocal enough fan of war as a concept that I reckon he wouldn't appear in the dust produced by,  say, an electric fan factory even if he had the option.

The fact that Grosso know the  Vision by sight raises further questions about Smokeworld and the World of War-Dust existing in some sort of particulate-based continuum - perhaps the aforementioned dust from electric fan production would open a portal to a world of morally neutral people obsessed with moderate breezes.

The fact that Grosso's hinder is so juicy merits further study.

The back half of the story is taken up with a big fight between Grosso and the Vision where it becomes clear that Grosso is either made of metal dust or manifesting a body on Earth using metal dust: his primary attack (other than big punches) is firing busts of aluminum dust and his arm is disabled when Vision squirts some water on it. The full ramifications of this are left unexplored because the Vision subsequently ups the ante and employs the Ultimate Liquid: molten lead. Grosso hasn't been seen since, probably due to being dead.

Obviously I'm totally into this guy and  think he or some other representative of the World of War-Dust should be BRUNG BACK - it's not like we up and stopped making weapons of war, after all. Having alien warmonger frat bros pop up in your factory from time to time should be a thing in the Marvel Universe. There should be insurance for it!

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Can't keep 'em down for long, these guys. Look, breeding up a giant amoeba in order to use it to spread terror and conquer the world...