Wednesday, July 26, 2023


(Daring Mystery Comics 001, 004, 1940)


The most interesting thing about Mr Muro is that he represents an intermediate stage in the development of the comic book Yellow Peril villain, away from the gaudy Fu Manchu style of the pulps and the comics of the 30s. There are a few of these more workaday Asian Threat villains kicking around in 1940/ 41 but they eventually lose out to the super-agents of the Japanese Empire as the preeminent example of such.

Anyway, Muro is a low-rent would-be world conqueror at heart and has the misfortune to have ended up as the antagonist for Monako, Prince of Magic, a typically-overpowered magic hero. This understandably put a crimp in his plans.

I his second appearance Muro demonstrates some ability at magic himself, but he never makes a third appearance to give Monako a real run for his money. This does mean that he's another technically-at-large Golden Age villain, but that's about it as far as mildly interesting facts about Mr Muro goes.

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(Smash Comics 006, 1940) Time for a very obscure character indeed: Kadu-Kan, who put out Black X's eye in an attempt to induce him to sp...