Thursday, October 12, 2023


(Master Comics 019, 1941)

If you're ever at a party and a guy shows up with a mysterious bequest for the host and then is murdered by an unseen party before he can hand over what turns out to be a huge diamond then take it from me: you are in a comic book. If there's a guy named "Rajah Kohur" there to declare the diamond to be cursed, well that's just what we call further evidence.

Now you're going to want to watch out for costumed crooks - in this case they've gone for a vague Indian/ religious theme to play up the cursed nature of the gem and are using a weird tube that shoots darts made of crystallized poison to kill people because simplicity and costumed villainy don't mix.

Anyway, you're going to want to keep an eye on any guardians, uncles, family lawyers, that sort of folk. Mister Mask turns out to be the heiress' foppish cousin Dariustrying to get her to sell the "cursed" diamond cheap (Rajah Kohur is of course a con artist). His biggest error was in trying all of this at an event attended by the Companions Three - there's no reason to handicap your own attempt at an already difficult task.

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Can't keep 'em down for long, these guys. Look, breeding up a giant amoeba in order to use it to spread terror and conquer the world...