Saturday, January 20, 2024


(Mystery Men Comics 004, 1939)

Here we see Lord Marvel, a weird little creep who lives on the planet Ursis (as with many planets in the Rex Dexter comics, Ursis is ambiguously placed: Dexter and his companion/ lover Cynde are constantly sidetracked on the comparatively short voyage from Earth to Mars and always seem to end up on extra-solar planets. The writers of Golden Age sci-fi comics often seem to have a fairly fuzzy grasp of the positions and distances of various locations in space. Are these adventures happening on various asteroids? Is the Rex Dexter solar system much more crowded than our own? Who can say?). Marvel's stated goal is universal domination, and to that end he wants to steal Earth's Moon, destroying Earth in the process. Rex Dexter opposes this, of course, and Lord Marvel is left for dead in the flaming wreckage of his laboratory.

The real appeal of Lord Marvel is his design sense: just look at this amazing robot!

And this one! This robot is actually originally from Mars, which leads to Lord Marvel's downfall due to Rex Dexter being able to communicate with it in Martian and turn it against him.

Even the controls of his doomsday devices have little skulls on them. Good job, Lord Marvel. You weird creep.

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(Smash Comics 006, 1940) Time for a very obscure character indeed: Kadu-Kan, who put out Black X's eye in an attempt to induce him to sp...