Friday, February 9, 2024


(Mystery Men Comics 026, 1941)

It's the Manx! Our second catsuit-clad cat-themed villain after the Cat's Paw! This fella doesn't share too much about himself but seems to be a bit of a criminal opportunist - here he's attempting to steal a pistol used in a 25 year-old murder so that he can blackmail the murderer, now a wealthy and successful man. Given his sneaky climbing style of getting about I'd wager that he's usually some sort of burglar. A cat burglar, natch.

Mustn't forget to note his themed weapon: a cat's claw mounted on his wrist that he uses to slash up his foes in a surprisingly gory fashion. Also: no tail, just like a real manx!

Ultimately, the Manx seems to have the wrong ratio of sneaking around vs committing horrific violence going on, particularly once he's aware that he's facing a super-powered foe in the Green Mask. With a little more creeping and a little less clawing he might have gotten away with some swag rather than being caught by an oaf.

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(Smash Comics 006, 1940) Time for a very obscure character indeed: Kadu-Kan, who put out Black X's eye in an attempt to induce him to sp...