Monday, November 28, 2022


(Detective Comics v1 055, 1941)

Dr Deker is a spy chief and a fifth columnist from the heady days before the US entered WWI, so of course he's from an unnamed Fatherland and no further clarification is needed. He has the not-uncommon plan to kidnap prominent American scientists and steal their secrets, abetted by his very first acquisition: the Truth Machine, a device which unsurprisingly forces one to truthfully answer all questions.

All of this is pretty comics-regular and poor ol' Dr Deker would be consigned to the pile of discarded also-rans if not for two things: 1. the face that he is pulling in the third panel above and 2. the plan that he is detailing while making that face. Surely it is the mark of a true super-villain that when a method for causing insanity at range falls into his hands Deker's sole thought is to use it on his own men, that installing an entire factory worth of fifth columnists and then rendering them into violent madmen would be a more desirable end than simply having complete control over a factory in the first place. 

If you have the means to drive men insane then what other course is available? None, says Dr Deker, and that's why he's our Minor Super-Villain 216.

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(Smash Comics 006, 1940) Time for a very obscure character indeed: Kadu-Kan, who put out Black X's eye in an attempt to induce him to sp...