Sunday, December 18, 2022


(Feature Comics 038-041, 1940-1941)

Pretty fond of the Ace of Space. As you can see above he has the fairly common origin of finding an alien spaceship and [getting powers accidentally from alien technology/ getting powers as a reward for helping the alien/ looting the deceased alien/ taking on the dying alien's mission and technology]. In this case, he has to defend the Earth from invading Slogoms. 

Also, I demand that you appreciate that cool looking alien. What a cool guy!


The alien's power belt gives A.C. "Ace" Egan the standard power array of enhanced flight, strength and speed, plus telepathy and, best of all, makes him 9 feet tall. He also inherits the alien's spaceship, which can usefully turn invisible. 

As with most forgotten DC/ Marvel super-heroes I reckon that Ace of Space should be brung back as a legacy hero (or as himself after having relativistic adventures in his spaceship! I'm easy!) because if there's one thing that I love about a sprawling shared super-hero universe it's all the weirdos and obscurities. Any group shot at a super-meeting would only be enhanced by a 9 foot tall dude in jodhpurs and a flight helmet. Or his great grand-niece who is still 9 feet tall but dresses like a rockabilly lady - as I said, I'm easy.

(the Slogoms are also very cool aliens)

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Can't keep 'em down for long, these guys. Look, breeding up a giant amoeba in order to use it to spread terror and conquer the world...