Thursday, February 16, 2023


(Flash Comics v1 013, 1941)

 I am torn on Satana! Torn verily in twain!

My standard critique of a comic book scientist-villain is that they would have been better off using their tech in a non-crime endeavor, but Satana is a brilliant and pioneering young surgeon living in 1941 and given what I know about the history of women in science I think it's fair to say that if she had decided to make a go of it in academia then there's a decent chance that all her research would have been stolen by some dude and she might have gotten credit years after her death, if ever. Also, her signature breakthrough involves transplanting human brains (and eyes!) into tigers, which while groundbreaking might be a hard sell to the ethics committee.

On the other hand, her crime scheme is very bad. In short: she extorts rich men with threats of harm, then gets work as an entertainer called Satana the Tiger Girl at rich guy parties and has her tigers kill the ones that don't pay up. She only does it once before getting caught by Hawkman, that we know of, but even if she varied the method by which the tiger was introduced to the rich guy, it's not a sustainable business model. Stylish, yes, but not sustainable.

Perhaps the best part of the story is when Hawkman comes across a couple of tigers engaging in humanlike behaviors and it nearly drives him insane, like he's an HP Lovecraft character. Human habits like... sitting near a newspaper and holding a pipe in their mouth. 

They kinda hint at a return appearance for Satana at the end of the story but she doesn't actually come back until 2004, in the same Hawkman story that brought back the Thought Terror. She's a substantially different character by that point, with ties to the Ultra-Humanite and a focus on making humanoid animals via genetic modification. I'll revisit her when and if I manage to keep doing this long enough to get to that era. It's good that they brought her back! She's a fun character!

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