Tuesday, June 20, 2023


(Captain America Comics 008, 1941)

So: the Black Witch is a witch's ghost that supposedly haunts Hagmoor Castle, one of the many castles that dot the landscape around Camp Lehigh (and don't imagine that it's the same on from the Hunchback of Hollywood case, because that was called Ebony Castle). Hagmoor Castle, coincidentally, is the subject of an eccentric will that sees one Karin Lee having to spend three nights there alone in order to  inherit her uncle Jonathan's estate. Perhaps you see where this is going.

Predictably, the castle is crawling wit spooks, spectres, walking suits of armour and garden-variety thugs. Karin's chances of getting her inheritance would be slim indeed without the intervention of Cap and Bucky. What's worse, Uncle Jonathan's will not only stipulated that she would lose out if she didn't stay three nights in the castle but also laid out a contingency for what would happen if she died before inheriting. The only thin missing in the trifecta of Plot-Inspiring Will Shenanigans is the one about her having to be married by a certain age. 

As is often the case in these will-related tales, the lawyer done it. Yes, Mr Feritt, Karin's lawyer and the only other named character in the story, was the Black Witch all along. Why? Because the land Hagmoor Castle sits on is chock full of oil, of course. More than enough reason for an elaborate charade that ultimately leads to your own death!

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Can't keep 'em down for long, these guys. Look, breeding up a giant amoeba in order to use it to spread terror and conquer the world...