Tuesday, June 27, 2023


(Red Raven Comics 001, 1940)

The Gold Leeches are not terrifically interesting villains, but there are precisely two interesting things about them and that's enough for me. Uninteresting preamble: Zeelmo, the Gold Leech (unofficial name) is a gold-obsessed gang boss with a few super-scientific gadgets (the Gazegrapho Machine for remote  viewing and the Trembling Death gas which kills via accelerated aging) and a birds-and-skeletons decorating motif that I wish had come up more often.

Zeelmo attempts to recruit B-tier Golden Age Marvel hero the Red Raven as a minion and ends up chucked into the Trembling Death gas and then blown up for his efforts. That's interesting thing 1, by the way: being the only Golden Age foes of the Red Raven.

Interesting thing 2 is that Ratoga, one of Zeelmo's lieutenants, immediately takes over his organization as Gold Leech II (name still unofficial) and I love it. I know that it can be a bit of a slippery slope from "what happens to the villain's organization when to villain is killed?" or "who builds all those villain hideouts?" to deeply unfun comics about logistics but I love this sort of thing - more second fiddles should step up like this. 

Anyway, Ratoga gets smothered by Red Raven in a huge pile of gold.

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Can't keep 'em down for long, these guys. Look, breeding up a giant amoeba in order to use it to spread terror and conquer the world...