Friday, April 12, 2024


(Big Shot Comics 008, 1940) 

It's a very big stretch, even by the standards of my own Unofficial Name convention, to call this guy the Inventor but it's literally the only thing he's referred to as other than "the man" and I just can't keep calling these guys "Unnamed Scientist." I just can't.

So! The Inventor has invented a very cool remote-controlled humanoid robot with a special poison-spraying device in the chest. We'll skip my usual speculation into the potential value that could be reaped by selling this design for industrial purposes rather than using it for mere bank robbery because the Inventor is in fact a mad scientist and thus cannot be held to the same fiscal standards as his more rational colleagues.

Let's take a second to appreciate the classic stylings of this robot: cylinder head, pincer claws, speaker ears... all the great robot features in one cool guy.

This might be a Tom Kerry story but the real hero of the piece is this night watchman who chooses not to pointlessly die in an attempt to protect the bank he works at and instead lives to clue the two-fisted District Attorney in on the culprit's identity as a robot. I appreciate you, fella.

Tom Kerry tracks the robot back to its lair by the simple expedient of clinging to the underside of the remote-controlled auto-gyro used to ferry both it and the money back to the Inventor. There he takes advantage of the fact that like a surprising percentage of Golden and Silver Age robots, this one's exterior shell is easily removed and repurposed as a costume.

The Inventor is essentially epically pranked into signing a confession, Tom Kerry battles a knife-wielding maniac in his boxer shorts and the whole thing wraps up with a sock to the jaw. No word on what became of that poor nude robot, though.

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(Smash Comics 006, 1940) Time for a very obscure character indeed: Kadu-Kan, who put out Black X's eye in an attempt to induce him to sp...