Thursday, November 9, 2023


(Minute-Man 002, 1941)

Genghis Khan the Second, like our poor deceased pal Stuporman, is a giant quasi-superhuman imported from far-off Mongolia by a gang boss for use as exotic muscle.

The difference between Stuporman ad our guy here, however, is that he is not content to be anyone's stooge. Genghis Khan the Second bumps off his would-be masters on page 2 of the story and promptly sets his Mongolian Horde to looting and pillaging the countryside using their mastery of horse-mounted archery (I assume). It's honestly the gang boss' own fault he gets it in the neck - imagine assuming that someone who chose the nae Genghis Khan the Second being content to act as second fiddle in what appears to be a two-person gang.

Of course the Army eventually gets involves, and Minute-Man, as part of that army, ends up dropping a mountain on the whole lot of them. It's fine. The real star of the story for me is the teen in the above image - I reckon that those middle three panels are one of the better bits of comedy I have seen in a Golden Age comic.

ADDENDUM: forgot to mention that the guy who imports GKII and his Mongol Horde lives in one of the castles of California's popular Castle District.

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(Smash Comics 006, 1940) Time for a very obscure character indeed: Kadu-Kan, who put out Black X's eye in an attempt to induce him to sp...