Monday, November 13, 2023


(More Fun Comics 063, 1941)

Trigger Daniels is a hitman in the employ of gang boss Bugs O'Leary who gets sent up for the murder of a local philanthropist and swears revenge on all who had a part in his fate just before being executed. This is a pretty standard setup to a comic book story and usually involves  lot of faked deaths and/or secret twins and/or scientists with cashflow problems and innovative ideas about brain transplants/ reviving the dead. Trigger Daniels stands out because he represents the first time I have encountered such a person just... coming back as a ghost. I'm sure it's happened in other comics but I do not recall any examples.

And he doesn't just come back as a regular-style ghost either! No, he's a Spectre- style "earth-bound spirit" with ghost powers sufficient to take out the average human. Golden Age Spectre comics never really flesh out the hows and whys of ghosts so it's unclear if they all have powers or if Daniels is special somehow. He does have the ability to cloak himself in the "powers of darkness" in order to escape from the Spectre, which might point to some sort of grander evil backing him up, but if it does exist there are no further indications.

In any case, the "powers of darkness" trick works only once as the second time Daniels tries it the Spectre remembers that he has the Ring of Life, mystical multitool that no ghost should leave home without. Daniels is swiftly banished or destroyed utterly.

JUDGE AND JURY REVENGE KILLER SCORE: 3/5 -  Trigger Daniels set himself a fairly reasonable target and even managed to get his old gang boss, the prosecutor and the jury foreman but ultimately ran up against the fact that one of his intended victims was Jim "the Spectre" Corrigan and ghost or no ghost that's a hard task to accomplish.

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(Smash Comics 006, 1940) Time for a very obscure character indeed: Kadu-Kan, who put out Black X's eye in an attempt to induce him to sp...