Sunday, December 24, 2023


What is a Median Super-Villain? It's a made-up category of character that doesn't fit into either of the other two made-up categories that I've been working from up til now, the Super-Villain and the Minor Super-Villain. 

By my definition, Median Super-Villains are all actually Minor Super-Villains: they have a limited number of appearances and your parents have never heard of them. So what gives them the extra zazz that makes them Median? It's that they keep on appearing, mostly. Some, like Wotan or Ian Karkull, manage to elevate themselves to the status of Super-Villain, but as time goes on we will be encountering more and more characters who recur for a few years or a decade or to this day but are objectively still minor - your Signalmans, say.

Since this blog started out as a Twitter thread, my original mandate was to condense things down as much as possible - that's why the early entries are so short and poorly written, because I was adapting a couple hundred tweets into blog posts (the later entries are longer and poorly written because I barely edit). This led to a habit of trying to condense every villain's career into a single post, but no longer! Since I read comics one year at a time that's how we're dealing with villains' careers as well, and we'll offer updates as they appear in subsequent years. Huzzah!

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Can't keep 'em down for long, these guys. Look, breeding up a giant amoeba in order to use it to spread terror and conquer the world...