Saturday, December 9, 2023


What was Wotan up to in 1940?

A trip back in time! A year or so ago when I was reading the 1940 issues of More Fun was before I started doing Super-Villain Yearbook posts and so I skipped poor Wotan, an injustice compounded by the fact that he is what I would call a Median Villain: one who has either enough appearances or importance to a hero's history to be more than a minor villain but without the name recognition of a Capital S Super-Villain. Wotan has a bit of both: as Dr Fate's first enemy he gets dredged up every once in a while when a magic guy (or gal, occasionally) is required.

1. More Fun Comics 055, 'Untitled':  Wotan's Golden Age appearances are pretty standard fare: he is introduced as an evil equivalent to Dr Fate, operating as some sort of magic crime boss - the ins and outs of his operation are less than clear as his main focus is eliminating Fate and his pal Inza Cramer. 

As time goes on Dr Fate gets more ethereal and mystical and I just want to highlight how rock 'em sock'em, throw 'em out the window he was at the beginning. Just a brutal way to deal with a foe (and perhaps a few passing New Yorkers on the sidewalk below).

2. More Fun Comics 056, 'Untitled': But of course throwing Wotan out of a window wasn't going to stop him. Would it stop Dr Fate? Of Course it wouldn't. He returns with a vengeance, quite literally: as revenge for Fate trying to kill him Wotan is going to blow up the whole damn world! Just try to stop that with a sock on the jaw, Fate!

One sock to the jaw later, Dr Fate seals Wotan in a little rocky cyst for all time.

Body Count: 0

End-of-Year Status: Entombed

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Can't keep 'em down for long, these guys. Look, breeding up a giant amoeba in order to use it to spread terror and conquer the world...