Friday, December 15, 2023


(More Fun Comics 071, 1941)

Adam Igorovich! Your typical scientist unhinged by his treatment by the scientific community, who deemed his theories impractical and/or dangerous and/or insane, so now he is striking back at the world using those selfsame theories to get his back. If we've seen it once we've seen it a million times.

There's one important difference between the machinations of Adam Igorovich and those of, say, the Master (the last Russian-ish scientist we saw battle Dr Fate): while the master's sonic death weapon was a finely tuned device capable of targeting everything from a person to a building, Igorovich's technology is a solar magnet capable of stopping the rotation and orbit of the Earth and moving it closer to the Sun. The willingness to use apocalyptic technology like this in a simple worldwide extortion scheme is the difference between science and Mad Science. Take note, undergraduates!

After he roasts portions of the Earth's surface for a while via manipulation of it's orbit (and what a wild thing to never be mentioned again, the fact that the whole world stopped moving for half a day. Twice!), Igorovich attracts the attention of Dr Fate and gets so thoroughly foiled that he chooses the classic mad scientist's exit of blowing up his entire compound around him.

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Can't keep 'em down for long, these guys. Look, breeding up a giant amoeba in order to use it to spread terror and conquer the world...