Monday, March 18, 2024


Some minor super-heroes I only have a small amount to say about:

the Wraith:

The Wraith is a very similar concept to the Spectre: a murdered cop comes back to mete out justice. They even have the same white/ green colour scheme, only reversed. A few things about the Wraith that sets him apart: though he does have some general ghost powers his main trick is possession, he is limited to the hours between midnight and dawn, and he has weird gross arms. A major difference between him and the Spectre is that whereas the latter broke up with his fiance the minute he became a dead guy, the Wraith is all about the romantic possibilities of being a ghost, as seen in the second panel above where he seems to be erotically passing through a nude woman. (Mystery Men Comics 027-031, 1941-1942)

Dr Hypno

Dr Hypno, "psychologist, chemist, hypnotist and criminologist" develops a technique for temporarily placing his mind into an animal and lucky for him there's always one handy when he sees a crime go.(Amazing-Man Comics 014-021, 1940-1941)

Dash Dartwell, the Human Meteor:

Like a surprising number of other Golden Age speedsters Dash Dartwell (who incidentally has the most on-the-nose name I have seen in a long time) gets his powers from his teacher, in this case one Dr Moss. Dartwell remains a student at "Dravrah University" so his adventures hew closer to those of a college sportsman with lots of unscrupulous gamblers attempting to influence the results of sporting events between Dravrah and their rival Elay. Also, Dartwell's powers wear off pretty quickly so he's constantly popping Metabo-Accelerater pills while he messes up college track statistics for everyone. (Amazing-Man Comics 021, 1941)

Tommy the Amazing Kid:

Amazing-Man already had a cool sidekick named Zona Henderson but I guess Robin or some other kid sidekick was a bit too popular because she was replaced with her younger brother Tommy, who was hiding under a couch when Aman got a power boost and was left with enhanced strength and the ability to fly. He's a little wiener who says things like "jumpin' jellybeans!" all the time. It's a real downgrade. (Amazing-Man Comics 023-026, 1941-1942)

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Can't keep 'em down for long, these guys. Look, breeding up a giant amoeba in order to use it to spread terror and conquer the world...