Saturday, March 9, 2024


(Amazing-Man Comics 018, 1940)

Mighty Man here encounters the Master Mind by following a group of clearly mind controlled criminal types to his secret lair and from there to what turns out to be an assassination attempt on an ex-cop and his daughter. It turns out that the Master Mind is a victim of my least favourite fictional trope that is also a thing that happens frequently in real life: cops shooting fleeing suspects in the back. This fellow actually shot his fleeing suspect so hard that both of his legs had to be amputated! Wotta guy!

The pre-Master Mind took himself to India and developed mind control powers, which are of course what he subsequently used to send waves of men after his old attempted murderer. And here's the thing: the Master Mind is very bad at planning and project management:

1. he has all of the hypnotized crooks march straight to and from his lair

2. he sends the crooks to kill his old enemy with regular firearms while using a powerful ray-gun with a one mile range for personal defense in a medium sized room

3. he stores his explosives inside his own throne

What the Master Mind really needs is one of those long-suffering majordomo types to manage all of these details because he is very bad at the logistics of super-villainy. Plus he is dead.

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Can't keep 'em down for long, these guys. Look, breeding up a giant amoeba in order to use it to spread terror and conquer the world...