Friday, July 5, 2024


(Wonderworld Comics 006, 1939)

It's another Yarko the Great adventure! This time we find Yarko and his companion Li Wan journeying to the isolated Valley of the Moon in Tibet, in search of the fabled Hoshai Plant, which bleeds human blood. And they find it, growing in pools of "moulten lava"! They are also immediately captured by bow-wielding women.

Yarko and the weirdly misogynistic Li Wan are marched back to the women's cave/ palace HQ, where they meet Lailani, Queen of the Valley and learn that she and her followers are all vampires, the unstated implication being that they farm the Hoshai Plant for blood, and here I have to admit that I have a lot of sympathy for the vampires in this here story? Obviously they are framed as villains but if you are an isolated matriarchal society and a white dude rocks up looking for your rare goods I think you're perfectly within your rights to dungeon them immediately.

Also they look really cool and I want that on the record.

(I can't tell if that vampire in green is a statue of if it's a trick of perspective or she's supposed to be really big. Like, she's a vampire, maybe that's one of her vampire powers)

They try to sacrifice Yarko in the fire pit and then shoot him with and arrow and of course hes a dick about it all. Probably because they're  women.

Conventional methods of execution having failed, Lailani engages Yarko in an hours-long mental battle that of course ends in a victory for Yarko and being blasted into a withered husk for Lailani. Yarko and his pal escape and in an unusually merciful move for the intrepid explorers in this kind of situation do not commit casual genocide but instead merely seal the mouth of the vampires' cave behind them as they flee. Yes, somewhere in the world of Yarko the Great this cool society of nigh-identical vampire women persists, led by an old shrivelled prune.

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(Fantastic Comics 012, 1940) The Boss is actually Roulf, editor of the Daily Standard newspaper in NYC. He pulls the classic villain mistake...