Sunday, July 14, 2024


(The Comics 001, 1937)

The Falcon is a mercenary spy and Doctor Doom's opposite number in the conflict between the kingdoms of Returia and Merovia. It's somewhat debatable whether a couple of spies-for-hire can be classified as either heroes or villains in such a situation, but the story certainly presents them as such, with Merovia being vaguely Nazi German and Doctor Doom being proudly American to underline things.

The Falcon's espionage is also a bit more dastardly than Doctor Doom's, as well as being a bit more effective. In particular, the Falcon's kidnapping of Doom's son Stephen from a Swiss boarding school with egregiously poor security comes very close to spelling Returia's end.

Like the Masked Czar before him, the Falcon provides some insight into the ups and downs of serialized storytelling - in this case, it's the all-too-often case of a serial being axed before it actually comes to a conclusion,leaving the Falcon in the ascendant. Don't worry, though! This comic was evidently assembled out of the plot of a Big Little Book, so if you want to find out what happens and how exactly Doctor Doom comes out on top you can probably find out by buying the two extant Doctor Doom books for... looks like around $150 US plus shipping. Have fun!

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Can't keep 'em down for long, these guys. Look, breeding up a giant amoeba in order to use it to spread terror and conquer the world...