Saturday, October 5, 2024


(Fantastic Comics 012, 1940)

Flip Falcon's Fourth Dimension Machine has served various roles as a sort of all-purpose portal to adventure over the course of his tenure in Fantastic Comics, starting out as an interplanetary teleporter allowing access to the various planets of the Solar System and later acting as a time machine. Now it is entering what I believe to be its final form as a gateway to the Fourth Dimension itself, a weird hellscape of the imagination briefly seen in Flip's encounter with Lucifer.

In addition to bordering on all times and places, the Fourth Dimension seems to also contain if not the entire afterlife then at least some version of Hell, occupied by the Demi-Things. Ar the Demi-Things demons? The souls of the damned? Some sort of third thing? Whatever they are, Chongo is the worst of the bunch and thanks to the bizarre dimensional pseudo-physics he is able to steal a radio beam and re-purpose it into a death ray/ surf board.

He immediately attacks Earth with this ray and unfortunately I must report that it looks very cool. It's a skeletonizing ray!

Flip Falcon of course sets out to defeat the evil Chongo but the ultimate victory must go to the greater society of Demi-Things, who rally together and basically beat him to death once he is removed from the shelter of his death ray. I guess this might be considered some sort of redemptive act - does this lend credence to the Demi-Things = lost souls theory? I believe that we'll be seeing more of them in the future, so we'll just note that down without drawing any conclusions just yet..

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