Friday, July 29, 2022


(Detective Comics 036, 1940)

The Spider, a notorious jewel thief, is in reality nightclub owner Durand. But Durand is in reality (shocked gasp) suburbanite Roberta Roberts!

While the original thought process behind the character was likely no more complex than "I bet it would be fun to draw a lady in a bra and false mustache," a few different narrative jump to the modern mind, the first being that Durand/ the Spider is the true identity of a trans man, with Roberta Roberts being maintained as a convenient cover story. Or perhaps Roberta simply has to adopt these male identities (including, it is mildly implied, a fictional husband) in order to succeed in the worlds of business and crime. Either version of this story could be pretty great in the hands of the right writer. BRING BACK the Spider, I say.

I also find myself shipping two characters for maybe the first time ever? Speed Saunders is a rare Golden Age lawman character with a presence in (somewhat) modern comics, having been made cousin to the original Hawkgirl and grandfather to the 2000s version of same. There's a non-zero if very low chance of him showing up in flashbacks to the 40s and 50s and I keep picturing him introducing "my associate, Durand" to people and thinking that it's adorable. Is this what all the people on Tumblr see in making fictional characters kiss in their minds?

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(Smash Comics 006, 1940) Time for a very obscure character indeed: Kadu-Kan, who put out Black X's eye in an attempt to induce him to sp...