Monday, August 5, 2024


We have mad scientists at criminal scientist prices.

Dr Koch is one of the many people hungry to get their hands on the secret vitamin supplement that turned the Champ (derogatory) into the Champ (aspirational) after its creator Dr Marlin is murdered. Koch's mild claim to fame is the fact that he's the first one to get ahold of the formula long enough to do anything with it. What he did, specifically, was to mix up a big batch and pump it directly into a poor guy named Cris, thus turning him into a lumpy rage-filled monster-man.

Koch gets away at the end of his encounter with the Champ and his little pal Henry (Cris sadly does a header off a cliff) but characters later in the story talk about him as if he's dead. Dead or hiding out in a cave in Mexico: either way he's not bothering the Champ any more. (Champ Comics 011, 1940)

Dr Bolms (excuse me, Doktar Bolms) here is a mere gangland plastic surgeon, which was enough to draw the attention of Secret Agent Z-2 here but not necessarily enough to draw ours. What really sets him apart from his peers is the fact that he has captured a government agent named Monty Wood and has been practising facial surgeries on him. Horrible! (Crash Comics Adventures 001, 1940)

Dr Sax is a doctor/spy who needs Tornado Tom's good good blood to rejuvenate his spy chief, but since he's an evil man he is determined to take all of his blood instead of just some of it. (Cyclone Comics 005, 1940)

These youngsters are the Space Rovers, Jane and Ted, a coupla youths who were forced to flee in Jane's father's spaceship rather than have it and its ray cannons fall into the hands of enemy spies and now just kind of ping pong around the Solar System in the hopes of getting home. Their first port of call is Mercury, where they have the misfortune of meeting the Mercurians of Thian, who only live twenty years, are mad about it and thanks to their head scientist Flaedo here have exactly one proposed solution: capture longer-lived beings and vivisect them.

I love his little mustache! Don't worry, he gets electrocuted in the Space Rovers' escape. (Exciting Comics 002, 1940)

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Can't keep 'em down for long, these guys. Look, breeding up a giant amoeba in order to use it to spread terror and conquer the world...