Wednesday, August 28, 2024


(Fantastic Comics 003, 1940)

The Demon is a pretty straightforward Stardust enemy: he thinks that there are too many people on Earth and so is going to destroy cities until he gets that number under control. Exactly why he thinks that there are too many people (fear of overcrowding? an ahead-of-his-time radical environmentalist? simple misanthropy?) is not explored.

This is of course exactly the sort of thing to draw Stardust the Super Wizard like a magnet. Importantly, this happens before the Demon manages to destroy NYC but after he has wrecked an ocean liner, so that he might be punished in an appropriately Stardustian manner. The apprehension of the Demon is also notable for being the first time that Stardust performs his signature move of picking up a villain in one hand and having them crumple up like they're made of sponge rubber, though this is presumably a stylistic choice rather than an actual effect that Stardust's big mitts have on the criminal fraternity.

Stardust... I was going to say "of course does not allow NYC to be obliterated" but in a different Fletcher Hanks comic it might have happened. But no. He throws the Demon into the wave to be killed by roiling water, then disintegrates both Demon and wave. He also says a famous line, from the title of that one Paul Karasik book about Fletcher Hanks!

The Demon's assistant Max, oddly, seems to get away scot-free. Stay out of trouble, Max!

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Can't keep 'em down for long, these guys. Look, breeding up a giant amoeba in order to use it to spread terror and conquer the world...