Saturday, December 21, 2024


(Pep Comics 004, 1940)

Princess Ling Foy probably belongs in the Problematic Round-Up with all of Fu Chang's other enemies (and Fu Chang himself, of course) - she's just as steeped in racist tropes as any of them, right down to her dumb name. But... I have to say that I like her hat.

I also like her minions, the Warriors of Brass, which strongly resemble robots but which are by all accounts magical creations. Let's spit the difference and call them automata, and honestly it doesn't really matter because Fu Chang destroys them all with what must be some wildly powerful acid.

Fu Chang spares Ling Foy's life but also rejects her proposal that they rule Chinatown together (and "ruling Chinatown" is just as nebulous a concept as when all those Fantomah villains were attempting to conquer "the Jungle" - are you going to be sending a representative to the San Francisco City Council or is this just a glorified protection racket?) which of course returns her to the path of crime precisely one second after Fu Chang gives her a second chance. Ling Foy heads right home to make a fairly low-effort sympathetic magic effigy out of wax, but regardless of quality it works. The only way Fu Chang is able to keep going is with the help of an infusion of healing juice from his magic chessmen, and even then he's walking around with his arm in a sling.

Having failed to gain revenge on Fu Chang by killing him, Ling Foy now summons an imp in an attempt to murder his fiance Tay Ming and once again the chessmen save the day, as tiny man battles tiny demon in a scene much more action-packed than a Fu Chang comic usually gets.

The imp spills the beans on Ling Foy's location and since Fu Chang can't bring himself to harm a lady, Tay Ming takes out the trash.

(If you read the Fu Chang entry and were wondering about what exactly the mermaid figure was used for, then this is your lucky day! As Ling Foy dies, the wax effigy of Fu Chang falls out the window into San Francisco Bay with a couple of knives still in it. The mermaid swims down and removes them, thus saving Fu Chang from a lifetime of feeling like he had two knives stuck in him)

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Can't keep 'em down for long, these guys. Look, breeding up a giant amoeba in order to use it to spread terror and conquer the world...