Monday, February 24, 2025


(Silver Streak Comics 002, 1940)

Normally I try to put things in my own words and really work out the ins and outs of the motivations of the super-weirdos I write about, but I gotta be honest: I have so little idea of what the Little Men's problem is (problems are?) that I'm just going to point to the intro caption: they're trying to rid the world of all beautiful women. Simple as that.

Why are they trying to rid the world of all beautiful women (and/or all beauty, as their leader puts it)? Not a clue. Are they just weird incel creeps or is it something more? No idea.

One point in favour of the Little Men not being a weird misogynistic serial killer cult (not just a weird misogynistic serial killer cult, at least) is the fact that they have an artificial man with the amazing name Noman, though as with his creators we have so little information to work from that we can't say for sure if Noman is an android, a homunculus, a frankenstein or something else. It's all very genre dependent!

(Mister Midnite is also there)

The only real clue that we get to the nature of the Little Men is unfortunately also very genre-dependent: during Mister Midnite's battle with Noman a "strange gas" is released from a cool heart-shaped container. The gas is harmless to humans, but disintegrates the Little Men on contact, indicating that yes, they were not human, but what were they then? Were they: magical beings, aliens, homunculi, magical constructs, earthbound spirits, underground beings, extradimensional creatures, reified fictional beings, elementals, thought projections, time travellers, mutants, chronal echoes, genii loci, regular guys who all had an extreme allergy... there just isn't enough information, and so we must simplify: they were a bunch of weird little creeps, and the gas was creep remover, which they shouldn't have just left lying around.

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(Smash Comics 006, 1940) Time for a very obscure character indeed: Kadu-Kan, who put out Black X's eye in an attempt to induce him to sp...