Saturday, February 22, 2025


The wartime exploits of the original Wizard, expressed as a series of encounters with famous figures from US history. 

Benedict Arnold:

Very nearly captured by the original Wizard. (Shield-Wizard Comics 001, 1940) 

General Charles Cornwallis:

Defeated by a coalition of the Americans, French and the original Wizard. (Shield-Wizard Comics 001, 1940)

Admiral François-Joseph de Grasse:

Helps defeat the British fleet at Chesapeake Bay but of course he couldn't have done it without the original Wizard. (Shield-Wizard Comics 001, 1940)

George Washington:

Wins the American Revolutiion with the help of the original Wizard. (Shield-Wizard Comics 001, 1940) 

General Horatio Gates:

Aided by the original Wizard at the Battle of Saratoga. (Shield-Wizard Comics 001, 1940)

Colonel Johann Rall:

The commanding officer in charge of the Hessian mercenaries famously defeated by Washington after the crossing of the Delaware, Rall (or Rahl, as here) supposedly did really ignore news of the impending attack to drink and play cards. (Shield-Wizard Comics 001, 1940)

Major John André:

Major André, head of British military intelligence in the Revolutionary War, captured thanks to the original Wizard. (Shield-Wizard Comics 001, 1940)

Mad Anthony Wayne:

Slightly less mad than in out timeline due to having the original Wizard with him when he charged the British (Shield-Wizard Comics 001, 1940)

the Mayflower:

I'm willing to bet that if I track the fictional ancestors of comic book characters who are said to have come over on the Mayflower then I will probably end up with a passenger list larger than the actual one. Our first entrants are two ancestors of Blane Whitney, aka the Wizard, and both named John. The younger of the two also organized the mythical first Thanksgiving, to boot! (Shield-Wizard Comics 001, 1940)

Nathan Hale:

In maybe the dumbest bit of American myth-making in the whole saga of the original Wizard, he frees Nathan Hale from his pre-execution imprisonment only for him to choose to stay behind and die because he can presumably somehow see all of the stupid patriotism that people load him down with in the future. Like of course his final words of defiance mean so much less if he's essentially saying them and then blowing his own head off. Gah! (Shield-Wizard Comics 001, 1940)

Paul Revere:

Informed that the British are coming by the original Wizard (Shield-Wizard Comics 001, 1940)

Thomas Jefferson:

Knocks out the Declaration of Independence after the original Wizard intervenes in the battle of Concord. Also Samuel Adams is there shouting his own name. (Shield-Wizard Comics 001, 1940)

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(Smash Comics 006, 1940) Time for a very obscure character indeed: Kadu-Kan, who put out Black X's eye in an attempt to induce him to sp...