(Silver Streak Comics 002, 1940)
The Professor sits right on that dividing line between "super-villain" and "gang boss with a cool nickname" and what pushed him over the line for me was the fact that he makes three absolutely classic comic book super-villain mistakes in this issue. MISTAKE #1: The Professor lures the Wasp and his aide Bill Barnes to an isolated area to eliminate them before they interfere with his plans as they have in the past, but they don't even know that he's out of jail, let alone planning a robbery. Don't call attention to yourself.
Just a brief action shot to show the Wasp really using that wing-cape he takes his name from before moving on to...
MISTAKE #2: Despite the fact that Barnes and the Wasp escape from his trap and know that he's about pull a big job, the Professor continues with his plans and ends up losing his loot to the Wasp. Don't be predictable - change your plans if you need to.
The Professor and his men set out in hot pursuit of the heroes and the loot, and this is where he commits MISTAKE #3: so intent is he on his goal that he ignores the risks involved in piloting his fragile speedboat too close to a freighter and gets everyone killed. The sunk cost fallacy can be deadly. Don't forget that cutting and running is always an option.
It's a harsh world out there for the low-level super-villains, but you don't have to go around making things harder for yourself.
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