Tuesday, September 3, 2024


(Fantastic Comics 004, 1940)

The Mad Giant is another Fletcher Hanks villain with a straightforward motivation: civilization has ruined his domination of a slave group (presumably a tribal society as he refers to them by the formerly much-used and now depricated term "savage") and so he is simply going to end civilization. And given the method that he has chosen - pumping the Earth full of a chemical that will raise its temperature and cause widespread geologic upheaval - he might just be trying to destroy the planet itself!

(the exact circumstances of the Mad Giant losing his slaves are left as unexplored as those of him being such a big beefcake. He just did and he just is)

The Mad Giant might just have the most rational plan to deal with Stardust the Super Wizard of any of his foes. Like most of them he seems to have a pretty good inkling that Stardust will show up, so a barrage of missiles (anti-ray missiles, natch) to delay, incapacitate or destroy him will hopefully buy enough time for the Giant and his lil' pal Kamet to finish destroying the planet. Too bad for the Mad Giant that he is very easily fooled: Stardust fakes his own death and ends up taking them by surprise on his second approach.

Giant or no, it's all over once Stardust gets close enough to put those big mitts on you. The Mad Giant is knocked silly and summarily whisked off to... prison? What an odd place for a Stardust villain to end his days. I assume Kamet gets a pass because there's a high chance he was there against his will.

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(Smash Comics 006, 1940) Time for a very obscure character indeed: Kadu-Kan, who put out Black X's eye in an attempt to induce him to sp...