Sunday, May 5, 2024


(Blue Bolt v1 012, 1941)

There are a lot of dastardly fascist spy chiefs in comics of the 1940s, so it's nice when one has something to distinguish themself from the monocle-and-dueling-scar heavy pack. Agent 17's gimmick, as stated by the dying Latonian agent Gonzales, is that he is a "young man with an old face." How useful is this in the average spy mission? Moderately, I presume.

Agent 17's mission is to prevent the government of the South American nation of Latonia from learning before it's too late that the nonspecific European fascist nation that they just signed a trade pact with is in fact planning to take over their country as a staging area for a full-scale invasion of South America. But though Agent 17 had managed to deal a fatal blow to Latonian secret agent Gonzales, Gonzales had not died before engaging the services of Venusian super-hero Sub-Zero.

For all that Agent 17 was going up against a cold-controlling super-hero armed with an old face he almost pulls it off! Latonia almost falls to the unspecified hordes of the enemy! Lucky for them, Sub-Zero manages to show up with a warning in the nick of time. Plus he gets to punch an old man in the face, guilt free!

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Can't keep 'em down for long, these guys. Look, breeding up a giant amoeba in order to use it to spread terror and conquer the world...