Friday, May 31, 2024


(Blue Ribbon Comics 019, 1941) 

I wonder if high schools in comic book universes hold some sort of assembly to teach kids not to yell about selling their souls to the Devil when life has them down? Because as far as I can tell it's got a pretty high chance of working, like it does for weird little scientist Ribo here.

Ribo does indeed get to see again but he also gets a demonic makeover - he's even more of a little creep than before! This is because the devil who he made a deal with is the same guy as the Dictator and Ribo/ the Evil Eye is being set up to take out Mr Justice.

This is probably why the Evil Eye sets out to bet on a boxing match and fix the outcome rather than stay at home and work on his "great invention" with his new power of sight, right? Or was he a degenerate gambler to begin with and the Devil knew that he couldn't resist using his new power this way - his invention is never defined, so perhaps it was just some sort of odds-calculator or a device for hypnotizing athletes over the phone.

The Evil Eye gives Mr Justice a run for his money when they do eventually meet up but too bad for him that he has eye-based powers and that the counter to eye-based powers has been a mirror since Ancient Greece.

In one of the harsher punishments in comic books (particularly when the only crime has been a bit of crooked sports betting) Mr Justice immediately drags the Evil Eye down to Hell, where we get some more of that sweet sweet LORE: not only are minor demons powerless to affect an immortal such as Mr Justice but the souls of what I can only assume are the creme de la creme of the evil dead are chained up next to their own bodies. It's a fun visual if a slightly underwhelming punishment, but it's where we must leave Ribo AKA the Evil Eye.

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Can't keep 'em down for long, these guys. Look, breeding up a giant amoeba in order to use it to spread terror and conquer the world...