Wednesday, May 29, 2024


(Blue Ribbon Comics 018, 1941)

Ratzer is a Nazi agent who tangles with American-serving-in-the British-Army Corporal Collins a couple of times. There's not a lot to say about him, honestly: the first time he meets Collins he's trying to spring a load of Nazi prisoners and destroy a lot of British gun cotton in then-Bombay, while the second time he's stealing oil in Iraq. He is not notably villainous, particularly in the ranks of Nazi super-villains.

He does, however, have a certain style, so I'll speak on that. Starting with his plane! I really like the question mark! Custom planes are absolutely the on the list of things that make aviator characters at least a bit interesting.

I wouldn't call Ratzer's costume one of the greatest of all time but it does have some flair, particularly with the little scarf dangling off the top of his head. And as a bonus it doesn't have any swastikas on it, which I appreciate a lot more than I did before I started posting pictures of super-villains online regularly.

Ratzer's second appearance doesn't really involve flying and so he's dressed in what I guess is his Desert Combat Costume - perhaps he has a whole closet full of slight variations on the theme, like a 1990s action figure line. Look out for Ocean Exploration Ratzer!

In any case, I like this costume best - he looks a bit like a pro wrestler.

At the end of his second appearance Ratzer gets away again and just... never returns. This is probably down to the end of Blue Ribbon Comics when Corporal Collins moved over to being a supporting character to MLJ's other military hero Sergeant Boyle. No room for the secondary characters to have their own villains, after all.

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Can't keep 'em down for long, these guys. Look, breeding up a giant amoeba in order to use it to spread terror and conquer the world...