Tuesday, May 7, 2024


(Blue Bolt v2 001, 1941)

"Rock" Rook is a gangster with an incredibly annoying name: hard to parse, seems like it should mean something but doesn't, plus its' always written as "Rock Rook" and that's probably just a quirk of early 20th Century English but it makes me think that his last name isn't even Rook and that makes me think that it means something again but it still doesn't.

Anyway, he is sentenced to and executed in the electric chair, ostensibly for murder but his annoying name must have contributed some judicial bloodthirstiness.

As this is a Sergeant Spook story, Rook's vow to revenge himself on the judge and jury is not carried out by the traditional methods (fake your own death, hire a mad scientist to resurrect your corpse or put your brain in a gorilla, die but have your secret twin pretend to be your ghost, etc) but rather by his coming back as an actual, factual ghost.

Unfortunately for Rock Rook the freedom to be a ghostly murderer comes with a major catch: your victim's ghost can call the ghost cops on you. Sergeant Spook is on the case faster than Rock Rook can line up his next target.

After that it's just a matter of experienced ghost vs inexperienced ghost and Rock Rook finds himself in the ghost-proof jail lickety-split.

Sergeant Spook is still a comic searching for its sweet spot and and for my money this kind of ghost-on-human crime is where it should focus, particularly if it involves stuff like the murder victim calling the ghost cops on the murderer.

JUDGE AND JURY REVENGE KILLER SCORE: 1/19+ (very weak showing from a unstoppable killing machine)

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Can't keep 'em down for long, these guys. Look, breeding up a giant amoeba in order to use it to spread terror and conquer the world...