Sunday, May 12, 2024


(Blue Bolt v2 004-006, 1941)

There are hundreds if not thousands of antagonistic u-boat commanders in comics and very few of them are going to make the jump to super-villain. Commander Sooka, however... I did some cursory searching and it looks like the Axis forces sank around 1100 ships between 1939 and 1941, and the most successful u-boat captain of the entire war sank 47 ships total. What I'm saying is that if Commander Sooka's count of 735 ships is accurate, he is some sort of latter-day Greek demigod rather than a man.

Sooka ends his first encounter with the Phantom Sub with a declaration of vengeance (because they prevented him from blowing up a bunch of civilians, natch), but it is the Phantom Sub who strikes back first: accidentally stumbling upon Sooka's submarine base, the Sub's crew teams up with a lifeboat full of survivors of one of his sea raids to destroy the place.

They manage to blow most of his operation to hell and gone but the issue ends with Sooka and his personal submarine still afloat and making their way through the secret underwater tunnel to the ocean to seek further vengeance. Will Commander Sooka be a persistent thorn in the Phantom Sub's side going forward?

The answer is no. Commander Sooka technically has a three issue run but the beginning of the third issue is this here especially-vengeful survivor successfully collapsing his own undersea tunnel on his head. In the end Commander Sooka was merely fodder for an easy but meaningless cliffhanger ending.

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Can't keep 'em down for long, these guys. Look, breeding up a giant amoeba in order to use it to spread terror and conquer the world...