Friday, June 14, 2024


(Smash Comics 001, 1939)

Vlamir Koran, Argentinean Adolf Hitler pastiche in charge of Nazi pastiche the Black Spot, takes over the entirety of South America in about half a page, because the real action of the story is centred around his attempt to continue his conquering ways into the United States.

Koran's first couple of attempts to invade the US are stymied by technology and tactics, so he hires the "greatest of all spies", Mata Hari pastiche Mara Hani, to infiltrate the US military and steal their secrets. At this point Vlamir Koran effectively leaves the comic and the action shifts to a cat-and-mouse game of espionage between Mara Hani and Black X over possession of US defense plans.

Although Mara Hani starts strong by vamping the plans out of a young and horny military engineer, Black X gets 'em back on the boat voyage back to South America and the goal of the cat-and-mousing switches to Mara Hani attempting to prevent Black X from reaching anti-Koran partisan Emanuel Hasana, who simultaneously has enough martial and political clout that he can shift the entire balance of South American power and little enough volition that he won't emerge from his tiny jungle fort without US sayso.

Mara Hani gets jaguared pretty good and Black X almost kills himself dragging her to the fort using his bullet-riddled body. And then she dies anyway.

Luckily, the fifty guys that Hasana had in that fort were the real key to defeating Vlamir Koran, and South America is free to return to its old political state and borders with no lasting ramifications to the time everyone was conquered by fascist Argentina. Emanuel Hassan doesn't even annex a couple of the smaller countries for himself! All this big talk about loving America and then he passes up a prime opportunity to emulate them.

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Can't keep 'em down for long, these guys. Look, breeding up a giant amoeba in order to use it to spread terror and conquer the world...