Saturday, June 22, 2024


(Smash Comics 004, 1939)

The real heyday of the capital-a Anarchist as societal boogeyman was in the 1920s by my reckoning and so you don't get them in anything like the numbers of pseudo-Nazis and Yellow Perils in the comics of the 1930s, and then of course in the 1940s you get your Axis villains, followed by your dastardly Commies and this is all to say that I enjoy these fellows for their novelty if nothing else.

As for their specifics, well, they're anarchists, aren't they? Anarchists are devoted to the goals of blowing up infrastructure for no stated ideological reason other than unquestioning loyalty the their leader, right? Because that's what these guys do and so they're anarchists and they're anarchists so that's what they do. Simple.

Anyway, they manage to get themselves infiltrated by not one but two undercover operatives from Scotland Yard, because the anonymity of the hooded robe is a fickle mistress, particularly if you're always gathered in a big clump in a previously-established location.

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(Prize Comics 005, 1940)  Having defeated the mad Racko over the course of three adventures, Jupiter and his pal Jim Johnson are ready for ...