Thursday, June 20, 2024


(Smash Comics 004, 1939)

We will be seeing more of Madame Doom, as she is Black X's only real recurring foe (I think), but as far as 1939 goes she made one appearance and this is it. 

Madame Doom, a freelance spy, is working for "the dictators" in an attempt to steal US defense plans and prevent the signing of a pretty vague treaty that acts as a deus ex machina reason for war not to have broken out yet (war with the US, that is).

In this first appearance Madam Doom is a very by-the-book Will Eisner femme fatale: a ruthless lady with the hots for the hero (reciprocated).

Black X doesn't quite let her go on purpose but he certainly doesn't try very hard to catch her. This is a mistake! The bloom definitely wears off the rose in this relationship later on.

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