Saturday, June 29, 2024


(Wonder Comics 002, 1939)

Shaddiba appears in the first adventure of magic hero Yarko the Great as an old enemy of Yarko who has come to the town of Hexville in the Allegheny Mountains of Pennsylvania. His exact reasons for doing so are unstated, so I reckon that it's equally likely that Hexville is an especially ripe spot for crime as that he was attracted by the old haunted mansion on the hill that he moves into. Comic book expectations aside I reckon that sourcing those has to be a real estate nightmare - I've certainly never had the opportunity to rent one.

Shaddiba's dumb name also introduces the possibility that perhaps Yarko is not alone, that all magic users in this continuity have made-up nonsense monikers. It's the only rational explanation!

Shaddiba does a lot of mouthing off to Yarko about what a great magician he is and how much Yarko sucks and to be fair Yarko is unable to break the mental hold that Shaddiba has on several locals in order to compel them to rob and murder (as well as on a local woman because he is a creep), but this is definitely classified as hubris.

The fact that Shaddiba lambastes Yarko for intruding on the "sacred arts" of the "magic of the East" and then immediately invokes Lucifer as the source of his power is weird.

The disagreement between the two magicians comes to a head in an all-out astral smackdown. A lot of the astral battling that we've seen so far (e.g., the one in this Mr Justice episode) has been quite quick-and-dirty decisive, so it's neat to see these fellows really get into it.

Shaddiba surrenders rather than be flung into the Chasm of Oblivion but if there's one trait almost universally shared by super-villains it's being a sore loser and so he blows himself to smithereens rather than live with the consequences of his actions.

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Can't keep 'em down for long, these guys. Look, breeding up a giant amoeba in order to use it to spread terror and conquer the world...