Friday, June 21, 2024


(Smash Comics 004, 1939)

The Green Lizard is a Floridian crook who specializes in extorting wealthy men and then kidnapping them when they fail to pay. This is the sort of thing I've spoken of before and will again: it absolutely makes sense to adopt a colourful identity like this if you're a criminal in a super-hero universe, even in the not-exactly-a-rich-and-interconnected-tapestry Quality universe of 1939, with stories of the Clock or Bozo the Iron Man trickling out of New York. Heck, maybe it makes more sense in such a case: the costumed crook is a thing of the crime-ridden metropoli and suddenly it's here, in our swamp-adjacent gated community! I'm surprised that those millionaires didn't pay up immediately.

The Green Lizard of course doesn't reckon with the fact that the more millionaires he targets, the more likely a super-hero is to show up. And indeed John Blaine, his latest target, is pals with Kent "the Invisible Hood" Thurston!

Please note also that the Green Lizard signs his note with a little lizard drawing.

It's been a while so I don't recall if this is a recurring theme in Invisible Hood stories but the Green Lizard's henchmen experience some real cosmic horror at the idea of an invisible man that is easy to mock but on reflection quite relatable. I would probably freak out too!

I appreciate the simplicity of the Green Lizard's costume but must say that his mask while fine aesthetically looks absolutely miserable to wear. Like, it's either got to be held down so firmly that it's crushing his nose or so loosely that it flaps around every time he speaks. 

The Invisible Hood disposes of the Green Lizard with little trouble despite the horrible mud floors in his swamp lair showing off the Hood's location via his footprints. The millionaires are saved! The henchmen all get blowed up with the HQ!

But who was the Green Lizard? Would you be surprised to learn that it was John Blaine's green-suited butler from before? Neither was I! Though looking again it does appear to be two different green suits and I would call that a... questionable affectation for an incognito super-villain with the word "Green" in his name to have.

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Can't keep 'em down for long, these guys. Look, breeding up a giant amoeba in order to use it to spread terror and conquer the world...